take on the reaper

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Part 9

class went by so slow; the teachers were jerk offs, and one had the audacity to make a side comment about my choice in clothes. but Adam stuck up for me in front of dean and dani making me laugh slightly. lunch came around and we all were eating an laughing like normal, just having a grand old time. Adam had his arm around my chair while I was leaned into him since Dean was not even 2 seats away with Dani. we just kept talking normally as I can tell Dean was getting slightly annoyed with us but i brushed it off

Da- so uh Astred I heard they call you the reaper

I chuckled nodding as i held onto Adam's hand clearly confusing the ducks in the process

Da- why's that? you don't seem all that mean

Ad- you should of seen her during the good will games than

Co- seriously! she bashed a guys head off the ice 3 times

Ju- and stood up to Bombay, that's a reaper if I have ever seen one

dani looked kind of shocked which made me smirk as she looked at me but before she could say anything i heard commotion behind me making me turn my head and see ken getting his lunch taken by varsity

F- man portman, should we do something?

dean was about to answer but was cut off by Dani

Da- he isn't gonna get into a fight on the first day reed. Ken can deal with it on his own

I scuffed and stood up making the table look at me as I walked over to varsity, I tapped on the brown hair boys shoulder making him look at me with a smirk

??- ah well if it isn't the reaper herself, what can I do for ya?

A- for starters i would appreciate if you gave Ken back his lunch, i don't want trouble and nor does he. 

the guy looked over at his friend than back at me

??- and what if we don't want to give it back, than what princess?

I rolled my eyes at the nickname he gave me before I kicked him in the knee cap causing him to hunch over to grab it in pain before lifting my knee up kneeing him in the nose causing him to fall back before turning to his friend who just threw the lunch bag to me making me smile

A- see if you did that before, we wouldn't of had this issue.

I grabbed Ken's hand and walked back to our table getting cheered on by the ducks, Connie and Julie hugged me cheering loudly as did the guys expect Dean and Dani who just looked whether shocked as I wiped the blood off my knee. it didn't take long before I was called down to the office making me sigh

Ad- you want me to go with you?

A- nah I got this, see you at practice Banksie

he smiled as I kissed his forehead walking out of the lunchroom not failing to notice Dean's glare, long story short I got lunch detention tomorrow which I was 100% okay with since I was still able to play. practice rolled around and I sat in the locker room laughing with Julie as we got into our gear. we all walked out there and saw variety practicing; I was more than just shocked. they finished up and stood in front of us causing trouble like normal, but I tuned them out the whole time.

we got on the ice and started practicing like we normal would until Charlie almost crashed into who I assume is our new coach.

??- you can call me Coach, or Coach Orion. 

C- they call me Charlie

of course, he just had to go making jokes with our coach.

O- that is what that C stands for because it sure as hell don't stand for captain

Av- um Bombay gave him that C sir-

some of the ducks nodded in agreement but i remained silent, I never cared for the 'c' thing. in my opinion it was rather stupid.

O- and i respect that but here, you will earn the right to be captain. it's not just given. show me what you all got, spilt into two teams. first to make a goal, wins.

we all spilt into two different teams me being on one with Adam which I was grateful for, than the whistle went off and we began. I got the puck and past to Guy who shot it to Averman who backed past to me as I went to shot it in though Dean checked me hard into the boards stopping me

D- better be faster next time Ash

A- go to hell Dean

I shoved him off and skated down for the puck that Connie had since she was on Dean's team. Luis tried to stop her but yk his stopping thing failed, and he crashed into the boards, so I was able to fight Connie for the puck before passing to Fulton who skated down an passed to Guy again. he passed it back to me as Dani got on my side us now fighting for the puck so I did what anyone would have done, I slowed down my skates confusing her slightly before full speed skating at her checking her over my shoulders and onto the ice before shooting into the goal an making it right as Orion blew his whistle. Dani removed her helmet as she was just sitting up the ducks skating to her as I did as well standing next to Luis

Da- honestly didn't know you had that in you Astred.

A- they call me the reaper for a reason. be grateful I didn't bash your head off those boards instead

the others looked at me with wide eyes as i skated off getting off ice and heading to the locker room. the rest joined as orion was going on about the rules and what he expects before leaving.

R- 15 minutes? man i can not move

C- look guys, he posted our positions! 

i followed Connie to the board and looked right as Fulton did 

F- i don't believe this, i play left side not right!

he walked back to his bench as I looked at the paper searching for my name

A- no fucking way.

Ad- what? are you on there?

Adam looked for my name and his eyes widen once he found it

A- this bastrad put me as a backup defenseman!?!

I stormed over to my bench quickly removing my gear and putting back on my regular clothes as I could hear Adam saying he made vaisty, i would of congratulated him but I was too pissed. there is no way this old man thinks I will play as defense, he is out of his damn mind.

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