favorite crime

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Part 23 (yes, I stole the title from Olivia Rodrigo- lmfaoo)

by the time Sunday had rolled around Dean decided to come back with me to Miami which I was happy about but tried not to show it.  it was Wednesday now and i sat in my dorm staring at the phone knowing I was gonna have to convince Kai to let him stay with us even though she hates him with everything in her. the phone ranged and I immediately picked it up hearing her voice at the other line

K- okay what is it? I have work in like 10 minutes

I sighed picking at my skirt that I was wearing nervous as shit which I'm sure she picked up on

K- Ash, what is it?

A- I uh need to talk to you about something important

K- um okay you're scaring me a little, what is it?

I took a deep breath looking around my dorm as I locked eyes with a photo I took with Dean when he first came to Miami, he was smiling like an idiot as I was. I finally got the courage to speak 

A- dean needs a place to stay this summer, I know you don't like him, and I know you don't want him around me, but his dad hurts him, Kai! he shows up and demands money from him and I can't let him get hurt Kai I just can't

it was silent on the other end of the phone which made my heart race like a mother fucker on truck week. she didn't say anything for almost a solid 5 minutes which scared me and made me worry more

K- you really have fallen for that boy, huh?

my heart raced in my chest as those words left her mouth, I knew I had but I never really admitted it aloud

A- y-yeah I have

I heard her sigh on the other end of the phone, I couldn't tell if it was a good or bad sigh as I couldn't see her face so I just assumed the worse

K- listen, he can stay with us until he figures everything out. BUT he will respect us just as much as we respect him, no more back and forth either got it?

I felt my heart leap in my chest as a smile grew on my face

A- I understand! thank you Kai thank you so much!

I hung up the phone after that and ran out of my dorm straight to Dean's. I pounded on the door until Fulton wiped it open clearly annoyed with the loud knocking

F- what are y-

I shoved past him seeing Dean taking a cassette tape out of the stereo, right as he turned, I jumped into his arms making him stumble back and fall on his bed with me on top of him

D- is this how we are greeting each other now? 

A- I talked to kai

he seemed to stiffen as those words left my mouth and his grip tightened around me 

D- yeah? how did that one go?

A- she agreed to letting you stay with us Dean, you get to come back home with me

I looked at his face which was really close to mine but I wasn't too worried about that at the moment as a smile grew on his face. he flipped us over so he was on top hugging the shit out of me

D- oh my god I'm so fucking happy right now Ash! thank you like actually

I laughed at his excitement as he pulled back a bit his face right by mine again, he did what I honestly wasn't expecting him to do. he kissed me. I of course kissed him back until he pulled away. I was about to say something but he cut me off

D- I already broke up with Dani, even ask reed. I called her and did it, Ash, I love you ok? I love you so much I realize that now. you did everything for me, and I was too blind to see it. if you could, give me a chance. I want to prove that to you, if you let me

I looked at him comprehending everything in my brain before I answered him

A- I will let you try again Dean; I will let you try again a thousand times before I give up on us 

he smiled at me and we kissed again, I couldn't help but feel everything fade away almost like the effects of weed expect my drug was Dean Portman. *skip to a month later* we were all packing up our things to leave Eden, I still can't believe it's already time to go. feels like we just got here to be honest. I packed up my bags making I have everything, Connie and Julie were doing the same but we all ended up looking at each other and stopped what we were doing. it didn't take long for us to go into a group hug 

Co- I'm not ready to say goodbye

J- me either, I don't know what I'm going to do this whole summer without you guys

A- we will visit each other; it has to happen even if I have to drive to you both and drag you guys with me

we all laughed at them clearly trying to avoid crying, we hugged once more before we all had to go back to packing since some of us had a plane to catch. I grabbed all my bags and said my final goodbyes to the girls before walking down to the lobby area where the rest of the ducks were waiting, I sighed started to hug each other them saying my goodbyes not so much Charlie we mainly stuck to a wave which I guess was better than nothing but boy when I got to Averman he squeezed the living daylights out of me. I swear I saw stars. I hugged Fulton goodbye before standing next to Luis as Dean was doing his goodbyes

L- you sure this is gonna be a good idea?

A- I do but if it turns out horrible drown me in the ocean

he chuckled shaking his head as Dean walked over to us, he put his arm around my shoulders before we all binded our goodbyes and walked to the bus. the ride there went faster to than expected but the ride on the plane made my heart race like crazy, it's not that I was afraid to see my family again more of I don't know the outcome of this. Dean sensed my nerves and held onto my hand removing his headphones as we looked at each other

D- don't worry, I got you. I will be here no matter what every step of the way

A- even if there's a heat wave?

D- even if there's a heat wave

maybe I was overthinking of this, I shouldn't be afraid of the unknown, this will turn out great and we will be okay. everything will be okay

now arriving at Miami, Florida...

and that's the end!!!! thank you so much for reading Heat Wave and honestly i don't think I will write a part two, but I hope this one was less sad compared to the other two! I hope you all liked or even loved the story an check out my other ones!! love you!

Heat Wave- Dean PortmanWhere stories live. Discover now