how bad can you be

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Part 12

it's been a few days since the big fight with Charlie and the talk with Dean, we have been up to mischief every sense. we pranked the varsity team by putting ants in their dorm which led us to today, it was a Friday at dawn. we were having a showdown us verses varsity, they were skating in a circle while I sat on the bench still being the back up to the team. I was drinking my water when Adam skated over to me

Ad- please you have to believe me when I tell you that I didn't know the dinner was a set up! they didn't tell me until after

I sighed looking at him as I put down my water

A- I believe you wouldn't do something like that Adam, trust me when I say I believe you. but the rest won't

Ad- I know.. I just needed to know I at least had you on my side

Adam skated off to his side as the game begun, we cheered for our side and watched them play. everything was going really well until Charlie got into it with Adam and tackled him into the goal. I jumped over the bench an skated to them right as a fight broke out between both sides, I was trying to help out but it only led to me getting shoved over and over again. the lights turned on and we all got pulled apart by no other than Orion himself. he ordered varsity out and made us stay 

O- when I said stay away from varsity, I meant it! now they believe they own you and at this rate they do! remove those duck jerseys now and get back to your dorms.

some started to listen and so did I throwing my jersey in the middle with the rest as Charlie spoke

Ch- your taking away the best thing we have ever had

O- I won't ask again, take off that jersey now

Charlie got in his face and I can't remember what he said but it ticked off Orion

O- okay Charlie is done, whoever wishes to follow can but you will be kicked off the team

I watched Fulton follow him and then Dean right behind, i scuffed at their stupidity and waited for Orion to dismiss us. After what seemed like ages he finally did, and we went to change out of or gear and head back to our dorms to rest. the next day was weird, not having Fulton and dean bickering in class or hearing Charlie's side comments to everything. I didn't like it one bit, but I wasn't going to say anything. I stood in front of my locker putting my books in as Dani stood by me

 I stood in front of my locker putting my books in as Dani stood by me

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Da- you need to back off Dean already

I looked at her confused closing my locker leaning against it

A- what are you talking about?

Da- you need to stop obsessing over him! he's with me and we are happy, you need to back off already and accept that he doesn't want you! if you keep this whole thing up, I will not hesitant to knock you on your ass

I chuckled looking at her as I put down my bag, I got in her face glaring hard as she just stared back at me

A- you are gonna do what to me?

Da- you heard me, what do you need you ears cleaned out? i said-

i didn't let her finish before I took her by her hair and slammed her head against the locker letting her fall onto the ground before straddling her and punching her in the face at least 2 times before pinning her down

A- I'm only gonna say this once you got it? Dean and I have history yes, but you two have more. do I believe he loves you? fuck no! Dean only gets with chicks he thinks are easy, he thought you were easy so he went for you. last time I checked he was in my dorm with his head on my shoulder talking to me. I don't see him sending you mixtapes of him singing, why? because he doesn't love you alright? now what's gonna happen is your gonna leave him be and fly your happy little ass back to Texas before I send you there myself and trust me I have my ways.

she just stared back at me with wide eyes as i got off her, I grabbed my bag and walked to the nurse to wrap up my hand. Once I did that, I walked to class like nothing ever happened, Adam and i talked like normal and when he questioned my hand i said i accidentally slammed it in my locker, which he believed. geez men are so gullible. 

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