over before it began

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Part 15

the next day rolled around; we all were not ready for the game tonight

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the next day rolled around; we all were not ready for the game tonight. we all were eating in lunch and half of us looked like we could faint at any moment from no sleep and the other's looked like they were about to get sick. I had my head rested in my hand trying to keep myself awake so that i wasn't tired during the game. the ducks chatted on what the plays were gonna be during the game as i got up to throw away my lunch, I heard the doors open and the ducks all gasp making me slightly confused until I turned around to see Dean and Fulton standing there?!?! they were high fiving and hugging the ducks as i glared walking back to the table grabbing my bag

D- woah what's the rush Ash? aren't you glad we are back???

I scuffed putting my bag on and leaving the lunchroom, of course he followed and grabbed my arm as we got into the hallway stopping me from moving as I looked at him

D- yo what's the deal?! I thought we were cool-

A- you abandoned the team Dean! you left and quitted!

he sighed letting go of my arm putting his hands in his pocket

D- I left with Fulton, we didn't want to be a part of the team, you can't be mad at me-

A- I can't be mad?! why can't I be?! you guys left over because you all couldn't handle how Orion coaches?! get a grip Portman! you guys left the team when we all needed you and now, we are about to go against another school an get destroyed because our teammates threw tantrums and left! so yes Dean I'm mad!

I walked away from him choosing to just head to my locker and change out my books before next class, if he thinks I'm not gonna be mad. he's out of his damn mind. *Skip to the game* we all were in the locker room getting a pep talk from Orion, my back has been killing me all day, but I hide it so that I didn't let the team down. Dean and Fulton were in the stands which made me roll my eyes as I put my helmet on and got on the ice, the game started. I was checking players left and right getting the puck from them an passing to my teammates, I was rusty as i haven't played in a game for over a month. it was getting close to the end as the other team had the puck, i started to skate to the player in attempts to get the puck but he did something unexpected. he ducked down causing me to go over his body but before I could hit the ice his other team mate pushed me causing me to flip over hard cracking my back against the ice with a loud pop.

I heard gasp from the crowd as the whistle was blown as my teammates skated to me, Luis bent down and took off my helmet as I was trying to catch my breath. I couldn't breathe. 

L- sis can you hear me?! hey come on say something!

I looked at him, his voice was slightly muffled as my face was just showing pure panic as Orion skated to get the medics fast

G- guys give her space!

J- yeah move you guys so the medics can get in!

I heard some faint footsteps confusing me as I looked over to see Rick jogging over almost slipping, he moved my brother out of the way as Luis glared at him but didn't say a word

Ri- I told you this would happen Astred, can you feel your legs??

A- n-numb, they are numb

my voice was shaking as I was scared, he nodded holding my hand as I could hear the announcer saying what happened over the speaker in the sound box. the medics came over and carefully lifted me onto the stretchers as I groaned in pain Rick not letting go of my hand

L- I can go with her, I can leave the-

I cut him off knowing what he was about to say

A- n-no finish the game, i w-will be fine!

he looked worried but Rick turned to him 

Ri- I will go with her, okay? i will update on what happens

Luis looked hesitant but nodded as Rick walked with us, i was loaded into the ambulance as I saw Dean standing by the doors with Fulton. he looked upset? it was hard to tell as my vision was going out. next thing I know, I blacked out.

Heat Wave- Dean PortmanWhere stories live. Discover now