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Part 22

the next morning, I was rudely woken up to the sound of yelling, I yawned looking at the clock and it was 11am. I sighed and sat up fixing my hair and socks before walking to where the noise was coming from only to see Dean and Fulton going at it while Scarlett was eating at the table

D- I know you took my tape Fulton! give me back my nirvana tape!

Fulton scuffed and reached down by his hockey bag

F- fine take it

Dean was leaned up against the wall so when Fulton through the hockey tape at him I was able to Intersep it as i was closet to Dean. they both looked at me as Ruby stepped in 

Ru- one nice catch kid, two what did i say about fighting huh?! if you wanna be dicks go outside and do it not in my house!

she walked back into the living him as Dean scuffed an walked to the spare bedroom where he was staying and Fulton walked up to his room making me sigh and put the hockey tape back in his bag. I was about to go get dressed but the spare bedroom door opened and Dean came out grabbing my wrist and dragged me outside onto their small porch making me roll my eyes

A- what the hell you want Dean?

D- why are you always intervening in my shit?! I don't need your fucking protection Ash!

A- I was just-

he cut me off with the harshest thing he could of said

D- you aren't my fucking girlfriend for crying out loud!

I looked at him in disbelief as I crossed my arms under my chest a little 

A- yeah believe me I know that Dean. sorry for giving a shit about you and wanting to help

D- i don't need your help! god Ash I'm not your charity case!

A- are you kidding me?! you really think that is how I see you?! are you fucking serious?!

he remained silent just looking at me as I scuffed

A- wow Dean. I thought maybe you would think that for once someone like me actually fucking loves you for who you are. you aren't a god damn charity case to me and if you where I wouldn't be caring this much about you. look if this is about your dad-

he cut me off again

D- of course it's about him! he put his hands on you Ash and i couldn't stop him! I'm not good for you just like I'm not good for fucking Dani! I don't get what you both don't get!

I looked at him confused as he ran his fingers through his hair

D- my life is a whole shit show Ash okay?! I can't control my actions just like I can't control my dad's! I don't know what you heard but just stay out of it please

Dean was about to go back inside but my voice stopped him

A- he wanted money from you correct

Dean looked at me sighing as he just took a seat on the step so I did the same but sat a little bit away

D- yeah he did but don't think you need to get involved I wi-

A- no

he looked at me again with a confused look

D- no? what are you on about-

A- I mean no you aren't just gonna hand your money over to him knowing he will blow it on stupid shit

D- Ash d-

A- no shut up! it's your turn to listen to me talk Dean!

he didn't say anything which gave me the sense to keep going

A- you can't just give in to him like that! I understand he's your dad and you want to help him but come on dean! he's a drunk who hurts you! he's gonna blow that money on alcohol when it could of been used for bills or getting you into college or even your own place!

D- it's not that easy Ash

A- I won't say I understand because that's not true, I'm not in your shoes. I want to help you okay? even just as a friend. you mean the whole world to me Dean, even if you hurt me all the time I still push that away. just please let me help you on this please

he took a few moments to answer me which made me a bit nervous

D- how? how can you help me?

I smiled softly at him moving closer to him, so it didn't feel so odd

A- you stop paying your dad, if you're scared to go home you can just come back with me. Kai will be working a lot with her second job that she is getting same with Alec. Luis usually is with his friends and I'm sure he will go visit his girlfriend and the other ducks too so you won't have to worry

D- I don't wanna be a bardon Ash

A- you won't be, I'm offering you a place to stay. just think about it and let me know by tomorrow before we head back to eden

he nodded and I gave him a soft squeeze on the hand before walking inside, I'm glad I got him to understand but we shall see how this works. I don't trust his dad whatsoever

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