waves stopped

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Part 15 (before y'all say she should have been paralyzed I googled the injury- i know what I'm talking abt- ish)

I was awoken by bright lights shining in my eyes, it took my eyes a few moments to adjust but once they did, I saw I had a tube that sat under both my nostrils and this IV hooked to my hand. I looked around and saw Rick asleep in the chair, I was surprised he was still here considering we just became friends. I was about to say something when the doctor came in smiling at me with a big grin (her name is Dr. Mars)

M- ah it's nice to see you finally woke up, I'm Dr. Mars. i have been taking care of you. do you know where you are right now?

she gave me a moment to answer as she wrote down my vital signs

A- I'm guessing the hospital...

she chuckled looking at me after putting down her clipboard

M- you are right, mind telling me your name, birthday and your sisters name

A- Astred Mendoza, September 14 and Kai

M- awesome, do you have feeling in your legs?

I looked at my legs and moved them making me sigh out of relief as she wrote something down

M- that's a good sign, do you remember how you got here?

A- only a little...

M- well you got a serious back injury during your hockey game last night. you got a spinal cord injury, your friend told me you had this injury before?

A- um I hurt my back in July but it was only bruised than hurt it again at practice 2 days ago

M- you should of went to the doctors. but by the looks of your scans, nothing too major besides the spinal injury that lays on your lower back. we are going to put you in back brace that you will need to wear for 3 to 6 months, we already called your sister and she said she was coming

my eyes widen as she said how long i needed to wear the brace, she must be joking

A- wait 3 to 6 months?! what about hockey?! I thought you said it wasn't major!

M- you are being taken out of hockey till your back is healed. your coach was informed already and he is going to speak to your school to try an keep you in

I rolled my eyes looking away from her upset at the fact I wasn't gonna be able to play right as Kai ran in with Alec. she ran to my bedside and held my hand right as Rick woke up

K- you had me scared half to death Ash! you should of told me about the back pains!

A- I was fine until yesterday, Kai. it wasn't anything to worry about

Ax- it's good to see you awake though, i remember when i ruined my knee i didn't wake up for a full day

K- you also were high on meds

we chuckled at that as rick came next to Kai, she looked at him confused but backed up so he can get to me

Ri- how you feeling?

A- like a weight just dropped on my chest

Ri- well you are wearing a back brace so that's expected

he cracked me a smile making me return one as I can see Kai looking at us

A- um Rick this is my older sister Kai and her girlfriend Alec

they shook hands both being greeted with a smile as Kai looked at me

K- new boyfriend? got to say he's better looking than that Portman kid

Alec slapped her arm lightly as a way to tell her to stop as I rolled my eyes

A- no he's just a friend kai. Dean and i are-

right as I was about to finish my sentence in walked Portman with balloons and a teddy bear not too far behind him were the ducks including Charlie and Adam

D- sorry for the intruding, I was gonna come alone but they insisted

my smile grew as Rick had moved back so the ducks could get in, I got hugs from some of them as other's put there gifts down. Dean was still holding his 

L- how long you out for?

A-3 to 6 months, spinal cord injury

they all groaned and shared the same annoyance as I chuckled

Co- the reaper is off the ice now we are so dead

J- kiss every winning varsity behind

Rick had already left the room so that we all could be alone, I'm guessing he didn't wanna be around them which don't blame him. the ducks moved over so that Dean could get in, he put the card and balloons on the nightstand before handing me the teddy bear which I took

D- figured that would help cheer you up

A- it did, thank you so much- how did you get all of this?

D- I have my ways-

Fulton chimed in with Ken

K- more like we helped pay for it

F- yeah give us some credit!

we all laughed as Kai sat back with Alec clearly not liking the fact Dean showed up but I didn't care for her words right now

A- either way thank you, i really enjoyed these and I'm happy you guys showed up

we continued to talk for a while until the ducks took off leaving me and dean alone as my sister went to go get us some food with Alec. Dean was rubbing circles into my hand as I looked at him

A- what are you thinking about dean?

D- i should have been there yk? If i was on the ice, I could of been able to help and-

I grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss, I know he was still with her, but I couldn't resist the urge.  I pulled back as he looked at me, I was about to say something, but he went back in for a kiss and we were kissing again. those brown eyes always get the better of me, what is with you and those pretty brown eyes

Heat Wave- Dean PortmanWhere stories live. Discover now