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The week went by really fast, with so many different emotions. Training was the best it's ever been, I saw my mums memorial bench beside the sea, I feel like I'm starting to like Jill more than a friend but my feelings for Leah still haven't left, It's a whole mess.

"Bella" I hear from a different direction. "Yeah?" I reply turning and looking towards keria, "you good? You've been staring into space for a while" she says. "Oh yeah sorry I'm fine" I say before putting my boots on. Todays the day, last game of the season. If we win this we win the league. No pressure eh?

Kick off.

20' chance missed by stanway.

34' chance missed by stokes.

43' the first half hasn't been to great, we aren't creating anything, maybes it's because of we know what's a stake.

I see the ball at Lucy's feet, I start my run around the defender, she places it through the middle and it goes right into my path, I fake the shot and send the goal keeper, I calmly placed it into the bottom right corner. I kiss both wrists running to the corner flag, I said to Jill the other day if I scored I had to do her mask celebration she randomly thought off on the spot, I done it and got jumped on by my teammates. We settled down and got back.

Half time. 1-0 city.

Leah pov
It's half time and we're winning 1-0, jones has just told us city are 1-0 up from a Bella goal. Every fucking time I thought to myself, she's cost us the title. I can't quite believe it, I know city won't let it slip.

Back to Bella.

Were 30 minutes into the second half and we are 4-0 up, goals from hempo, caz, myself and g. I started running through one on one with the defender, I done a step over before knocking it past her, I took off and now it was just the keeper to beat, I heard a shout from my right so I took it left, dragging the keeper out before passing it to my right for an easy tap in for stanway. I ran over to her and jumped on her back, "yasssssss" I shouted as city players made their way over.

74' goal for city, scored by Bella smith.

85' It's now 5 minutes to go, Lucy had cut the ball back to me, I took a touch and rolled it onto my left foot before hitting it top left.  "Oh my god" I hear Georgia say giving me a hug.

The full time whistle went and everyone collapsed to the ground, we actually done it. A few of the girls had tears in their eyes which made me cry a little. We all got into a huddle and Gareth done his speech. It was short and sweet so we got back to celebrating very quick.

We celebrated with the fans as they got a few things set up, I signed and took photos with them before going inside. The music was blaring and I got out my phone and went on insta live for a while.

Eventually everything was set up and we got called out one at a time, i got called out and I went out of the tunnel and heard a huge cheer, I clapped everyone, 'what a signing Bella has been for us, she has scored 12 goals and assisted 5 in 8 games for the club, she is clearly very loved by the fans and we couldn't thank arsenal enough for loaning her out to us. Give up for Bella' the Women spoke as i collected my medal, I laughed at the arsenal comment, The girls were laughing along with me.

By the end of lifting the trophy I was drenched in champagne. I done another interview and collected potm. When I went back into the changing room I starting celebrating with the team again, we couldn't drink because we have the Fa cup final next week. I managed to reply to a lot of messages on my phone, I face timed Janine and we were all jumping up and down. We eventually calmed down a bit and I went outside back onto the pitch.

'Congratulations my friend'

'Thank you J, I'm sending a medal over to you by the way'

'I'll be waiting'

We talk for a little longer and I was joined by Georgia and Alex. When we hung up I got changed and we got on the bus to go to where our friends and families were, I didn't want to go but I didn't have a choice.

When we arrived we walked through the centre and everyone was cheering. Everyone went to their families so I stayed at the side. I went unnoticed for a little bit but of course ellie saw me and dragged me over with her. She introduced me to her family and story were all very nice and asked me a few questions.

I needed to get fresh air so I excused myself and sat outside. I was sitting in my thoughts when somebody tapped my shoulder. "You okay?" It was ellie, there was tears in my eyes so I didn't turn around. She sat alongside me, "I'm here" was all she said and I broke down in tears. She pulled me into a hug, "I don't know how I'm gonna cope with it" I said truthfully. "Bella you are so strong, you'll get through it I promise" Ellie says wiping my tears away.

We sat in silence for a while until I broke it, "sooo how's anna?" I said earning a playful punch in the arm. "I was only asking" I say trying to defend myself. "She fine" ellie says with a giggle, "is that all I'm getting?" I say. "Yes now come on let's go have some fun" ellie says picking me up.

We were not aloud to drink as we have the Fa cup final in a week against Chelsea but nobody really cared. I was dragged on the dance floor by my teammates plenty of times, I was having a great time for the first time in a while.

the next day.

We had the day of and most of the girls were with their families. Ella toone had asked to go for a catch up if I wasn't busy so I agreed and I think she said Millie was coming as well.

"Bella how've you been?" Ella says giving me a hug, "yeah good, you?" I ask. "I've been good, have you met Millie?" I nod and give her a hug. We go inside the cafe and we're talking about our youth days with the u17s England, I was a few years younger but I got brought up to train with them.

"You remember when I hid in your wardrobe the day of the semis for the euros" I say laughing with Mille. "That was the scariest day of my life" ella says making us both burst out laughing. "You excited for the euros?" I ask them both, "yes, very" Millie says nodding. "It's gonna be great" ella says, "I'm gutted your with Scotland now" she adds. "I'm gutted I can't scare you all the time" I say trying to lighten the mood, every laughed.


I said goodbye to Millie and Ella before picking up some food and heading home. When I got in I seen Lucy and Keira in the living room. "Hi people who don't live here" I said placing the bag on the table. They said hi back and started laughing.

"So we were thinking what about if after the final we go on holiday together, me, Keira, Ellie, Georgia and you?" Lucy says showing me her laptop, "we were thinking in America?" Keria adds. "I think that sounds perfect, but why is there only 4 tickets?" I say pointing to the screen. Everyone went quiet, "what's going on?" I say sitting on the sofa. They all look a Georgia, she sighs, "okay what's happening" I say again. "I'm moving to Bayern Munich" Georgia says putting her head down, I couldn't believe it. "Your leaving?" I say a little stunned, she nods. "I can't believe it" I say before giving her a hug. She caught me up on everything that's went on and it should be confirmed 3 days after the final, that's why there was only 4 tickets, she's going to Germany first then coming with us.

It's a few hours later and it's only me and Ellie, "sooooo" I say propping myself up, hearing a laugh from Ellie, "I don't think that so" she says. "Have you spoke to to Anna? Or taken her out?" I say with a grin, "ah right, erm maybe" she says going red a little. "Really? Tell me." I say laughing. She tells me everything and I felt like I was 14 again, it was hilarious.

We eventually got tired and both headed to our rooms, I kissed the picture frame on my bedside table before falling asleep.


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