Lights in his eyes

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Magnus was late as usual. When he closed the door to the apartment, he could barely push Church, his cat, back through the door. Books in his hands, laptop bag on his shoulder. But his outfit and make-up were perfect as always.

"Church, get back, you're gonna make me late again, you damn bitch."

He bent down, trying to push the cat's head back through the door.

"You're not going to escape from me again, you hear? Don't you think about that in that devilish mind of yours."

With a struggle, he pushed the cat back and closed the door, when he heard a soft giggle from behind him. He looked up in amazement to see, sitting on the stairs, surrounded by suitcases, the most beautiful human being in the world with hazel eyes the likes of which he had never seen. In his confusion, he dropped his books from his hands, scattering them on the floor.

"My God, could this day get any worse?" He asked as his phone rang. He picked it up and listened to the other person in silence. "Are you serious Dean? He's back from Peru six months earlier? Are you telling me I don't have a job? I can't even go to work today?"

Magnus hung up the phone, sighed, sat down on the floor by the door and buried his face in his hands. The most beautiful human being in the world watched him in silence for a moment, then spoke.

"Is there anything I can do to help? I see your day hasn't started off the best either."

Magnus looked up, blinked away the tear in the corner of his eye, then stared at the man in front of him. A tall, muscular man of about twenty-eight was sitting on the stairs. Still the most beautiful human in the world. His hair was messy, but somehow it suited him. His eyebrows were beautifully arched. He was a little stubbly, just enough to make him insanely sexy. And his lips, those thick lips, were definitely the softest lips in the world. The top two buttons of his blue shirt were undone, so he could see a bit of the hair on his chest.

"Hello, earth call to neighbor. I asked if you need help, are you okay?"

"Oh, yes, sorry, I got lost in my thoughts a moment ago..." said Magnus, confused.

"I noticed..." he said with a laugh and stood up, walking over to Magnus. He bent down and picked up his books. Then he held out his hand to help him up. Magnus accepted it, clung to it. The most beautiful human being in the world helped him up with a light movement.

"Hmmm. Are you studying architecture?"

"Well, actually I teach it. Or rather, I was teaching until about 10 minutes ago, when it turned out that the person I was replacing returned unexpectedly. So to be precise, I was teaching architecture at the university. I'm unemployed at the moment" He took over the books.

"I'm sorry. It seems to be a cursed day."

"What happened to you? Why, and how long have you been sitting here on the stairs?"

"I've been sitting here for an hour and a half. Since 6 in the morning. I rented this apartment, there.- He pointed to the apartment next to Magnus' - And the landlord left a wrong key at the office. I can't get in. I talked to him, he's in Nashville right now. But he said I could call a lock service to change the lock. Since it's not even 8 am everything's still closed, so I'm waiting to call a locksmith."

"Well, honestly, I can't tell which of us is the unluckiest,- Magnus burst out laughing - Sorry, I'm sorry, but this day is so surreal. We haven't even introduced ourselves properly. I'm Magnus Bane. Welcome to the house, neighbor."

"Alec. Alec Lightwood."

"Short for Alexander?"

"Yes,- said Alec, and at that moment his stomach rumbled loudly. - Excuse me. I left Michigan at 3 am. and I didn't eat anything." Alec said, blushing. I should have gone to the bakery, but I didn't dare leave my stuff. I have my whole life in my suitcases."

"You know what? Don't take this the wrong way, but come on in until the locksmith comes. After being unemployed, I have nothing to do today. I think it's more comfortable than sitting on the stairs. And I'll even make breakfast. I was in such a hurry, I didn't have time for breakfast because of my crazy cat. I'm hungry too."

Alec rubbed his head, thinking. "You really wouldn't mind? I'm not bothering you?"

"I said, come on in. This day has started off so badly for both of us that we both need some breakfast."

"Thanks, I'll take it," Alec said with a half smile at the corner of his lips.

"I'll help you with the suitcases - said Magnus, picking one up, - My God, what's in this, a brick?"

"My books and my notes. Take the other one, it has clothes in it, it's lighter."

As Magnus opened the door, there was a flash of gray in that moment.

"Church, by golly, you've escaped again. One day you'll be the death of me."

"Alexander, I'm sorry, my cat... I have to go after him. please come in, make yourself at home."

"Leave it, I'll go after him." Alec said after he had taken all the suitcases.

"But he's very stubborn and doesn't like strangers. He doesn't like me either..." added Magnus.

"Leave it to me, I'll manage."

A few minutes later, Alec knocked on the door. When Magnus opened it, he was about to say that it was all right, Church would go home sooner or later if he got hungry, when he stopped talking. In the doorway stood Alec, the cat lying calmly in his arms, purring.

"Alexander, are you some kind of cat whisperer? This crazy cat has never purred for me. Is this my grumpy cat for sure?"

"Animals love me, I think. I usually get along better with them than with people." He said as he put the cat down. Church gave two more squeaks around his legs, then jumped up in the chair and curled up.

"Let's eat. Eggs and bacon, you like?"

"I could practically eat a piece of wood right now, I'm so hungry. Alec said, and they went into the kitchen. Can I help you?"

"Have a seat. I'll make it quick."

"Magnus, can I ask you something?"

"I'm all ears." Magnus said as he took out the eggs.

"How can you teach at such a young age?"

"I have been teaching for about a year. Before that I worked as an architect. I was often asked to check finished projects. Somehow I see things from a different perspective. When I look at an architectural design, it appears in front of my eyes as if I'm looking at it in 3D. I notice static errors. On my last job I found a pretty nasty design error. I told them that it was structurally wrong. The architectural team didn't accept it. One side of the building collapsed during construction, burying 2 workers. I felt very bad for a long time afterwards. That's when I decided to teach. To pass on my knowledge. If that architect had learned earlier what I teach my students, those two people would still be alive to this day."

"That's amazing Magnus."

"Thank you, I love teaching. The students get on well with me because there's not a big age difference between us. Coffee?"

"Yes, please. Black."

Magnus put the black coffee down in front of Alec, and made himself a coffee with whipped cream and lots of sugar. Breakfast was ready too.

"Come, we'll go to the table by the window. I like to eat there. I like to look out the window, watch the people rushing about, everyone hurrying to get to work. Like an anthill."

There was a small table next to the wall. Not a big one. Just enough for two people. There were two chairs on either side of it, so that both chairs were next to the window. The morning sunlight filtered in through the window, providing a pleasant warmth in the early autumn weather. As Alec sat down on the sunny chair, the sun shone on him and sparkled in his eyes. It gave them a tint that was like a hazel hue mixed with golden. Magnus looked at Alec and lost himself in his eyes. He had to force himself not to stare at him. They ate while they talked.

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