Let's fly

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In the following days, Alec told Magnus more details about their former life. Magnus' soul calmed and he accepted what had happened. At times a fragment of a memory would come to the surface. He always told Alec. These memories were sometimes pleasant, sometimes painful. He had no memories of the fateful day, but sometimes he had nightmares. Alec was always there for him, as a loving and understanding companion. He comforted him, hugged him and sang him a soft lullaby in his beautiful angelic voice until Magnus fell asleep again. The bond between them grew stronger.

As the weeks went by, Alec was bothered by one thing. He didn't tell Magnus everything. He still hadn't told him about immortality. He asked Raziel for advice.

"Alec. Take your time. But don't hide it from him for too long. Tell him when you're ready. Everything will happen as it should. You'll know when the time is right. And remember, I'll always be here if you need me."

It was exam time at university, and Magnus was swamped with work. Every day he came home at night, he was more and more tired. Alec was preparing for his exhibition. The book was already finished and at the printers. He and the writer were able to work in perfect harmony. The cover of the book was perfect. Finally, an agreement was reached with the author to combine the book launch with Alec's exhibition and to show the book's illustrations at the exhibition. The collaboration led to Miya the author spending a lot of time with Alec, and since Alec's studio was in his apartment, the meetings were there.

Two weeks before the exhibition and the book launch, as they were putting the finishing touches to the project with Miya, Alec asked her:

"Miya, can I ask you something?"


"When I moved here, I showed Magnus my sketches for your book. He was very curious about the book, but I told him I couldn't show it to him. I would like to ask you to give him a copy at the exhibition. He would be very happy."

"Oh, of course, Alec. Shall I sign it to him?"

"That would be very kind of you."

"You know what? You should sign it too, it's got your illustrations in it."

"Magnus will be blown away when he sees it. Thank you, Miya. You're an angel."

"I'm not the person here who smells like cake all the time," mumbled Miya quietly.

"Back to work. - Alec cleared his throat, - We sent out the invitations to everyone, didn't we? Finally, what did you decide about your brother? Is Harry coming alone or did you send him two invitations? What about them now?"

"Oh, those two idiots. You know, Harry divorced a year ago. His wife met a great man. Harry was quite happy that everything turned out all right. They're raising the baby together with Harry. 4 months ago they all moved here to New York. Harry's staying with me now until he finds an apartment. So everything's fine with him. And what Harry doesn't know is that although he is now shooting in Canada, he's coming home for two weeks, so he can come to the event, but it's a secret. It will be a surprise for Harry. So I sent him only one invitation.''

"I can't wait to meet him"

Then the lock clicked and that was all they heard:

"Church, damn it, how can you run out the door in a second? Come back here, you bastard. You're certainly not getting any dinner tonight. Tomorrow, neither."

Magnus grumbled.

"Will you excuse me Miya for a few minutes, I'm going to find the cat and try to calm down my fiancé. "

"Your fiancé? We'll talk about that when you get back."

Miya called after him.

Alec went out into the hall. He hugged Magnus.

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