Death and rebirth

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(Warning: to be reborn must first die. A sad chapter with a happy ending)

Meanwhile, on the other side of the portal:

"Magnus, no" Alec shouted to himself, soundlessly. The portal closed. Slowly he began to feel a vibration in his body. The paralyzing effect was fading. He still couldn't move, but he had a voice. "Magnus" screamed in pain, loudly now. More shadowhunters appeared in the alley at this point, and Jace ran straight to him.

"Alec, we won, your plan worked." he shouted happily. "All the slave demons fell dead at the same time. But where is Magnus, and what happened to you?"

"Jace, Magnus was taken by the demon, he's on the other side of the portal, he was protecting me, I saw he was in hell of a lot of pain. Jace, I don't know if he's alive or dead," Alec sobbed. I'm paralyzed by the demon, I can't move. Jace, we have to go after him, we have to help him!" said Alec almost hysterically.

"Will, Sean, take Alec to the infirmary, I'll send a fire message to Lorenzo and Dot to come to the institute immediately. Morgan, you're the leader now. Clean New York of dead demons. My place is with my brother and my brother-in-law. Until I return, you're the boss."

By the time they got to the institute, Lorenzo and Dot were there.

"What happened, Jace?"

"I don't know exactly, but I'll tell you what I know. Alec will tell you the rest, but you have to get him healed first because he can't move. Come with me."

They went to the infirmary. When Alec saw them he started talking.

"You have to find Magnus, the portal's closed, he's trapped, he's in pain. I don't care what's happening to me, just save him." Alec was crying.

"Alec, you need to calm down. You need to be healed first. We can't save him without you. We need to know what demon attacked you. Dot, please calm him down." said Lorenzo

Dot put her hand over Alec's body, a blue glow shining from it. Alec's breathing slowed, became steady.

"Alec, take a deep breath and tell me what kind of demon it was."

When Alec had said everything, the two warlocks looked at each other worriedly, but said nothing.

"Dot, do you have an antidote at home?" Lorenzo asked.

"Yes, I'll be with them in 20 minutes. I'll bring something for Magnus. You talk to Jace. I'll put Alec to sleep, he needs to rest."

A slightly stronger light flashed between her fingers, and Alec fell asleep at that moment. He didn't have a chance to resist, it was all happening so fast.

"Jace, there's some problem. The demon that took Magnus is very dangerous."

"But you're immortal, aren't you? We just need to find him."

"It is a toxic substance that, if left in the body for too long, can cause irreversible damage. Magnus' immortality is at risk. We must hurry. Do you know where the trap was set?"

"Somewhere in Siberia, but I'm not sure. Alec probably knows the exact location."

"We have to hurry. Until Dot returns with the antidotes, we must be ready. Prepare the infirmary for Magnus. I don't need anyone, just get all the equipment ready. When we get back, Dot and I will do our best. Jace, take this. It's a poisoned blade. If the demon's still alive, you need to stab it through his heart. We'll bring Magnus back right away, but I don't know how much Alec can be counted on right now. He's completely broken. As soon as we've separated Magnus from the demon, stab him through the heart. The portal will stay open so you can come back."

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