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...."I don't know, maybe the angels were watching you, because you are a pure soul, and they guided me here when you needed me. I'm glad I found you after all these years. Magnus Bane, will you go on a date with me tomorrow?"

"With the greatest pleasure, Alexander." .....

Alec looked at Magnus, both of their eyes smiling. Magnus was sitting in front of him, his legs drawn up, one shoulder sticking out of his big yellow pullover. He leaned his head sideways against the back of the couch. Neither of them wanted to let go of this sweet moment. Then finally Magnus broke the silence.

"What an odd fate. If I hadn't been fired and had gone to work in the morning, we might never have met. I've been thinking and I've thought of something for you. Have you ever tried yoga? - Alec shook his head. - No? No problem. It's not difficult. I was thinking that if you did an easy stress-relieving exercise routine before bed, it might help you sleep. Do you want to try it?"

"Why not? If you help me."

"I'm going home now, before I do something unacceptable that would ruin our step-by-step agreement. Before you go to sleep, let me know and we'll do yoga."

The afternoon passed quickly, in the evening Magnus did yoga with Alec.

"Thanks Magnus, ...maybe...I'd better go, I'll pick you up tomorrow at 11am. We're going to Central Park. Good night."

"Good night. If you're having a nightmare and I don't wake up, wake me up. Okay?"

Alec just nodded, took Magnus' hand, gave him a kiss on the palm and went into his own apartment.

The next day Magnus woke up early. He realized he had slept through the night and Alec hadn't woken him. He went to the kitchen, looking for Church. The cat was eating his breakfast peacefully.

"Good morning Church. I see Alexander gave you breakfast. But where is he?"

Magnus knocked on the door of the passage. Nothing. He went inside, the apartment was empty. He went back to his own, ate breakfast and started getting ready around 10am. He wanted to go on their first date in all his glamour.

There was a knock at the door exactly at 11. Since Alec had a key, Magnus didn't know who it was. He opened the door and saw Alec with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Bane, your date is at your service," - he held out his hand to Magnus, - Shall we go?"

Magnus was completely enchanted, so much so that he didn't pay enough attention, and Church took advantage of the momentary lapse of attention and sprinted out the door.

"Church, I swear you're killing me, this is my moment, why are you spoiling it?"

"No problem, take your Jacket, I'll bring him back when you're ready."

Alec came back in 2 minutes with the cat in his hand.

"I still don't know how you do that."

"My personal magic, I guess."

"So Central Park?


They walked and talked all afternoon. They had lunch in the park. They had a great time together. The afternoon passed quickly. They made their way home. As they walked side by side, enjoying the last warm caress of the setting sun, their hands touched. Once, twice, a few times.

On the umpteenth, Alec stuck out his little finger and hooked it into Magnus' little finger. Magnus looked at Alec in the setting sun and was filled with an unfamiliar, yet familiar, heartwarming feeling. He had an odd feeling of deja vu.

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