A beautiful reason

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...Alec ran home. He found Magnus on the couch, his head buried in his hands, crying quietly. He looked up and could hardly believe his eyes when he saw Alec.

"So you're back? I'm sorry Alexander, I didn't mean to force you into anything, I didn't want to mess everything up with my impatience. I don't know why I behaved like that. I'm sorry, please. I'm so sorry."

"Ssshhh, Magnus, it's okay. Please don't cry. You didn't do anything wrong. I wanted that kiss too - Alec said as he sat down next to him and gave him the rose. - That's the only reason I ran away. For the rose. Will you be my boyfriend?" said Alec as he took Magnus' hand.

"Yes, yes, I'll be happy to be your boyfriend," Magnus said with tears in his eyes as he felt boundless happiness and his lips finally curled into a smile. Thank you, Alexander, it's beautiful. And I, with my foolish head, thought I had lost you forever because of my impatience."

"Never again. Now we will never lose each other, we will always be together." Alec said and hugged Magnus....

Church walked over to them, rubbed his head against Alec's leg and bit into the rose leaf. He tore it off and ran off with it.

"Church, you grumpy cat, you're unbelievable, but I love you anyway." Magnus said.

"Magnus, I still don't want to mess this up. I want a serious relationship, serious and long-term. I wouldn't want to rush anything, but I wouldn't want to hold anything back either. I want things to happen between us the way they're supposed to happen. Maybe this is a bit sudden of me, I hope I didn't scare you. But it just felt right."

"I was scared when you ran away. But now I'm not afraid anymore. Everything was sudden, these feelings rushed through me like a speeding train. So much happened in two days, it's hard to process. For some incredible reason, the moment I saw you, you had an effect on me. I've never felt anything like it. But I like you. I like you a lot. From the very first moment I felt a lot of new emotions and a kind of unexplainable sense of deja vu. I don't understand it, but I had some of those moments today. Also in the park. It was like watching a movie about us. Anyway... but I want this Alexander. I want to build our relationship. I want to take care of it like a gem."

Then someone rang the bell.

"Catarina, how did you get here? Did we talk about something today that I forgot?"

"Hello to you too, Mags darling. Thank you for the warm welcome, but seriously, what do you expect if you've been unavailable on the phone since Friday? I've been worried out of my mind about you. Where the hell have you been? Your Twitter has blown up, your students have started some kind of movement, I don't know, but you've been all over my timeline since Friday."

Catarina walked into the apartment when she saw Alec on the couch.

"OMFG excuse me, did I interrupt something? Now I fully understand why you stopped existing to the outside world. You have a beautiful reason, and I forgive you. I'm Catarina." She offered her hand to Alec.

"I'm a beautiful reason, - Alec introduced himself with a laugh as he took Cat's hand. - Sorry Alec Lightwood."

"So guys, where's my glass of wine and my explanation?" asked Cat, settling comfortably into the armchair.

"I'm not getting away with this, am I? You won't take a step without answers?"

"No way"

"Private sphere woman. Private sphere. Are you completely unfamiliar with this concept?"

"Mags darling, you know me, don't you? Then why do you ask? Give me my wine and my story."

" Okay, okay, because we're not getting rid of you until then. Alexander, this is Cat, my best and only friend. I'll get your wine," Magnus said with a laugh. After a while he returned with a bottle of red wine and 3 glasses. He poured for everyone, got comfortable on the couch and started.

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