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A few months later...

They have just finished demolishing the wall separating the two apartments. They were standing there in a dirty mess, and Church started running around between the two apartments. He was happy.

"The best decision was to buy this apartment and tear down this wall. Church is happy. Remember when you moved here and we cleaned your apartment? We were just as dirty." Magnus said with a laugh

"I will never forget it. Never."

Then Alec stepped up to Magnus. Gently pulled him, hugged him and said, "I love you more than anything. Don't be frightened. I'm here with you, I am...." and then he spread his huge white wings and wrapped them around Magnus.

"Alexander, we agreed that if I had another vision, I would tell you. I'm having one right now, and I'm really scared because it feels so damn real. I can feel it on my skin"

Magnus' breathing became fast.

"Calm down, my love. You're hyperventilating, breathe slower. I'm here with you. Magnus, it's not a vision, it's me. These are my wings." Alec said in a deep, calming voice.

But Magnus' breathing became even faster.

"Alexander, I'm getting dizzy. I can't brea..." at that moment Magnus collapsed into Alec's arms. He fainted. Alec picked him up, carried him to the couch and laid him down gently. He tried to wake him up, but he couldn't. He wetted a towel with cold water and began to gently wipe Magnus' face with it. Magnus' eyelashes fluttered and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Babe, you're awake. I'm here, don't be afraid. Are you better?"

"I think so. Yes. These visions are getting worse. I'm scared."

"Magnus, it wasn't a vision. It's me. You saw my wings."

"What are you saying? I don't understand Alexander."

"Calm down, please, you're not hallucinating, you're not out of your mind. This is real. I'll explain everything. Don't be scared. I love you and I'm here with you."

"Okay. Beyond the fact that I think I'm crazy and I thought you had wings. Now let's get past that for a second, because I'm about to pass out again. Are you the same person I met, do you still love me, do you still live with me and my grumpy cat?"

"Yes, my love"

"And where have your runes gone?"

"What did you just say, Magnus?"

"Well, the runes, you're not wearing them. I think I don't know what I'm talking about. I think I'm having a panic attack. Wings? Alexander, I don't understand."

"Come on, sit up, I'll get you some water"

When Alec came back he brought a glass of water, two glasses and a bottle of whiskey.

"Alexander, what's the whiskey for?"

"Just in case of an emergency."

He sat down next to Magus, took his hand in his, kissed his palm as he did every day to make Magnus feel more comfortable.

"So your visions were not visions, they were memories."

"Memories? But they seemed completely strange, I don't know, like they weren't even in this world. What memories? I don't have memory loss or anything like that, do I? Am I amnesiac?" asked Magnus in a complete panic

Alec took a deep breath.

"No, honey. Those memories are from your previous life. From our previous life. The lives we didn't live in this dimension. You were the High Warlock of Alicante. On your 400th birthday, you stopped counting how old you were. Since you were immortal, it didn't matter. I was the Inquisitor of the Clave, Shadowhunter. That's why you saw runes on me. You were my first and last love. We were married. I was mortal."

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