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Luka just finished his breakfast and came back to his room, now his room wasn't anything too special. He lived in a houseboat his mother and father made with her and his sister, his father is well, gone..not dead but he don't exactly know who or where he is. there is only two bedrooms and one is his and the other is his mom's and Juleka's, they share it since both of them are ladies.

He sat down on his bed and grabbed his guitar. He sat in silence, staring down at the instrument before a tune came into his mind. He grabbed his pick and held it firm and began strumming.

As he played his mind wandered off, his thoughts reminded him the fact that he is rather lonely. Luka never had any problem with interacting, but he preferred to be alone. Juleka on the other hand was quite the opposite, she hated socializing and would do anything to avoid it. Now you can't blame the girl, even if she was to hang out nobody pays their mind to her and most of the time basically just ignores her, except Rose. Rose was her safe place and Luka envied their bond, he sometimes wished he had someone like that..of course he has his mom and Juleka but someone more, someone more than just a friend.

He pulled himself out of his thoughts when he messed up the tune, he sighed and decided to go back to the deck. He stood up with his guitar and walked out of his room, reaching the deck he sat down and started to play where he left off.

A minute or two passed and Luka was too immersed in the music, he didn't notice the few new presence that came in the boat.

"Nice tune you got going there" he nearly jumped when he heard the feminine voice, he turned around and saw a girl maybe a little younger than him. She had bluebell eyes and dark blue hair and baby pink lips, she also had a dust of pink decorating her cheeks. She was pretty.

"Uh..thanks" he placed the guitar down and turned his attention fully towards her. "I don't think we've met before, I'm Luka and you are?" He asked.

"Yeah, um..I'm Marinette. Nice to meet you Luka" she said with a sweet smile on her face. She gave off a rather friendly vibe, Luka also gave her a warm smile back.

"Likewise Marinette" he said and glanced behind her and saw a short girl, a tall brunette, and a pink head, there was also Rose and Juleka. His sister noticed him and smiled, which he returned. He then turned to marinette again.

"So, I assume you are Juleka's friend?"

"Yes I am. are you and Juleka related?" She asked him a question back.

"Yes she is my sister" Marinette's made an 'O' face at that.

"Can you play something on your guitar, that is if you don't mind" Luka  smiled before taking the instrument again.

"As you wish Marinette" he began playing a tune, he glanced up at Marinette who had her eyes closed and was swaying to the music. From the corner of his eyes he saw another figure coming up and judging by the body shape he was sure it was a boy, but he didn't turn around to greet him as he was occupied. After he finished the tune, he looked at Marinette for her approval.

"That was amazing Luka, I've always enjoyed listening to instruments" she said with a content smile on her face.

"Thank you Marinette and yes instruments are magical, each of them having their own specialities" he took a moment to admire his guitar, he loves his guitar. It was the last gift from his father he ever got on his 10th birthday, the last time he saw his father was when he was 4 so getting a gift from the man was like a blessing to him

"Hey girl! Oh you're Luka right?" he looked up when he heard another voice calling him, he quickly changed his surprised face into a welcoming smile.

"Hello and yes, I am Luka" the tanned girl nodded and pushed up her falling glasses.

"Nice to meet ya' I am Alya" he greeted her back and went back to his guitar when Alya started talking to Marinette, though it was unintentional he heard what they were saying and that perked up his interest.

"Nino called and said he is bringing Adrien"

"Oh my God! What!? Oh no! I didn't wash my hair and I am not wearing my lucky socks!" He saw how Marinette was exaggerating this small information. It looks she likes this Adrien, considering her reaction.

"Relax girl, there is no promises since you know how his father is" Alya tried to calm down the freaked out girl, seems like Adrien's father is not that nice.

He heard the sound of a car parking and every eyes turned towards the expensive vehicle, he heard Marinette's shocked squeal and out came two boys. One was tanned and dressed in grey jeans and blue t-shirt with a red cap and glasses while the other-

Holy shit!

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