twenty three

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It's been a day, since Luka confessed. Adrien didn't know how, but the older managed to keep things not awkward between them. Last night was restless for Adrien, he was questioning his feelings for Captian Bug. The little crush he developed on the hero could possibly be a mere attraction, but with Luka it felt different, though both of them felt so familiar. It made Adrien's head ache.

After staying up all night, he finally concluded that he likes Luka. Because he felt so free to do anything he like with the older, he wasn't scared to hold his hand, hug him, or even kiss him. He felt so safe and protected around him, now he wasn't sure if he loves Luka but he sure does like him.

Adrien came out of his room and walked to where Luka was sitting with his guitar. Acknowledging his presence, the blue eyed boy looked up and smiled brightly at him.

"Good Morning Adrien" he wished and Adrien greeted back. He sat down next to him and Luka began strumming the instrument again.

"Hey, you said you like me right?" Luka suddenly stopped and turned to him with a slightly wide eyes and nodded, waiting for the pretty blond to continue.

"Um, so I've thought about it alot and I like you too. I'd love to give us a shot" Adrien watched Luka's eyes sparkle, he quickly placed his guitar down. Standing up, he took Adrien's hand and pulled him along. "What are you-" he was cut off by Luka lifting him up, Adrien let out a surprised squeak at the sudden action.

"God! You're the best!" Luka exclaimed, putting him down. Adrien giggled at his excitement and pulled him into a kiss. They both devoured each other's mouth, having not getting enough of it. But nothing last forever. They were interrupted by a loud voice from outside. Worried, both of them pulled away and rushed out. They were met with an akumatised villain, broadcasting a message from the one and only Hawk Moth.

"What the hell?" He heard Luka whisper breathlessly.

"Good morning Paris. If you don't know me yet, then allow me to introduce myself. I am Hawk Moth. Today I would like to make an announcement. As we all know our Parsian superheroes are trying to defeat me. But sadly, you don't know the important part. Your dear Adrien Agreste is Chat Noir!" Horror washed over Adrien's face as he watched the man reveal his Identity, just like that. He glanced at Luka who was already staring at him.

"And you wanna know the best part? He is my son." Adrien stumbled back in shock, how could this be? He took steps backwards and was about to fall, when Luka caught him. He brought the boy to his chest and held him tight.

"And so, Adrien I don't care whatever you do to stop me! But, come to the mansion now, or else I will destroy each and everyone you love. Starting with Luka Couffaine" he threatened and the screen went black. Tears brimmed his eyes as he pulled away from Luka.

"Adrien.." he called out but the blond shook his head vigorously.

"I'm sorry, I'm the worst. My father is Hawk Moth- I'm putting you in danger, I-shit, I need to go!" He stammered and Plagg rushed out of his pocket.

"No, no, no, wait listen to me!" Luka approached him, but Adrien quickly said the transformation words and left, leaving Luka dumbstruck.

"Luka quick, go after him!" Tikki frantically screamed. Nodding, Luka transformed and followed after the feline hero.

"Adrien! Kitty!" He kept on calling out but got no answer. Suddenly, he saw a white orb with a blue light shining outside it. Then a bunny themed superhero came out of it, shocking the boy.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Bunnix, and the future is in terrible danger" she explained and Luka raised an eyebrow.

"What?" He saw her sigh out loud, before the determined look washed over her face again.

"Look mini bug, I'm Alix. The future you, gave me this miraculous. I can time travel and right now, I need your help the future is in grave danger" she explained. Things started making sense to him, but one thing didn't.

"What happened to the future me?" Bunnix was about to say something but they saw a huge white orb forming from the bottom of the Eiffel Tower.

"Oh no! Come on" she dragged him inside the orb and Luka couldn't believe his eyes. There were circles all around the sphere which displayed different time lines.

"Woah.." he breathed out in awe. Bunnix continued dragging him and stopped infront of a circle.

"Look mini bug, whatever you saw there, is something very dangerous. So, I want you to be extra careful and capture his akuma, got it?" She asked.

"But what about Chat Noir?" His concern spoke up.

"You'll see, just go in" she opened the portal and he went inside. It was all bright, it looked like there was an ice storm, except for the fact that the ground was filled with water. The buildings were destroyed and the only building that was standing, was the one he was on top of.

"What happened here?" He asked to no one in particular. Then he heard a familiar soothing voice. snapping his head to the side, the sight shocked him.

"Little kitty on the roof, all alone without his love~" there he was, all dressed in white, singing with his legs dangling off the building. Luka now understood what Bunnix meant.

You didn't see that coming?

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