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Luka was laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. It's been a week since he got the miraculous, whenever there was an akuma attack, he and Chat Noir always shows up and defeat them. Speaking of his partner, the feline hero was a flirty one. He would always throw cheesy remarks here and there and when Luka plays along, he gets easily flustered and his cheeks burns red, adorable if you ask Luka.

The hero was most of the time in his mind, but someone who never leaves his thoughts is Adrien. Luka haven't seen him in so long and that was making a weird kind of sensation grow in him. He was dying to see Adrien again and was hoping to get to know him more.

"Hey, can we invite everyone over for the next band practice?" Luka shot up, having not hear his sister walk in. He stared at her for a second, processing what she just said.

"Uh..yeah sure"

"Good, Marinette thought Adrien would be a good addition in the band" Luka's eyes widened slightly at the mention of the blond.

"Adrien will be coming too?" He sounded rather too exicted causing Juleka to squint her eyes, but she nodded nonetheless.

Juleka then left and Tikki flew towards him from her hiding spot.

"Looks like someone is exicted to see Adrien" she spoke in a teasing manner.

"No, I'm not" he quickly said, he could feel his cheeks burning up slightly.

"Sure~" Luka chuckled at her sing song voice and laid back down. All he knew was that Tikki is right and he is thrilled to see the boy again.


Evening rolled in fast and the houseboat was yet again filled like last time. Ivan, Juleka and Rose were setting up the instruments while Luka was waiting for someone to arrive.

"Hey Luka!" He turned around and saw Marinette. The girl was wearing pink tights and white shirt with a pink flower on the pocket, her pigtails shining under the sun.

"Oh, hi Marinette. How are you?"

"I'm fine, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing good" both of them darted their eyes to the road when they heard a familiar car pulling in, out came the boy he was waiting for.

"Adrien.." he heard Marinette's low squeal but he was too busy staring at mesmerising blond to pay attention to her.

Adrien was wearing a red hoodie and black ripped jeans with a pair of orange converse, just a casual attire but he managed look absolutely breathtaking.

"Hey everyone!" He called out sounding cheery. Nino rushed towards him and hugged the boy. Luka walked up to him and welcomed him.

"Oh hey Luka!"

"Hi, welcome to the band Adrien, we'll make great music together" a spark of confidence ran over him, he planted a soft peck on the back of Adrien's hand, enjoying the way his ears heated up.

"Th-thanks Luka" he turned around to walk towards Marinette and saw the girl staring at him with wide eyes. He just gave her a little grin.

"So let's start! Adrien your keyboard is over here!" Rose said, well squeaked. Everybody got into their positions and Ivan handed Adrien the music sheet and the boy scanned over it and seemed to memorize it, well damn that's fast.

Everyone else huddled close on the front to watch and Rose began singing.

It's cold, up north
You're a thousand miles away and I think of you alot

Luka strummed his guitar to the beat and he could hear Adrien's piano and almost messed up at how heavenly the boy's playing was.

I know I'm yours
It's doesn't mean it doesn't hurt and my stomachs in a knot

Luka's eyes darted over to Marinette's and saw her sending heart eyes to Adrien.

Tired of talking on the phone in my room, speaking till the words come out

He glanced over at Adrien and saw the boy already staring at him.

I know you're impatient too
I just need to be with you right now

Staring at his lime green eyes, Luka realised something.

I'm missing you today
Your kiss is far away

There was more to Adrien than that little happy sunshine. He wasn't just a rich famous model, there was more.

I'm gonna hold you soon
And I need you to know that I'm missing you

There was some kind of void in his eyes.

Say, "we're gonna be okay"
I'm gonna see you soon

Luka knew he messed up a few chords but that wasn't what's important right now, it was Adrien, it was only Adrien.

"Luka!" He jumped in spot and stared at Rose with wide eyes.

"You messed up the tune" she stated the obvious.

"Oh..sorry, I was a little distracted"

"Maybe we should take a little break" he heard Adrien suggest and everyone seemed to agree with the boy. Right, Luka needs a little break.

He set down the guitar and walked away to his room, completely missing the two pairs of eyes staring at him. One with worry and one with confusion.

He stood infront of the mirror, thinking about why Adrien's eyes held a familiar void he noticed in someone else's. Tikki flew out his pocket and stared at him in worry.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah don't worry Tikki, I'm fine" he paused and smile at her before letting the thought linger back into his head.

"Does Adrien look-" he cut himself off and shook his head. "Nevermind, let's go back" Tikki nodded and hid back in his pocket again and he walked out.

The first thing he noticed walking back to the deck was Adrien talking to Marinette. He stared at the boy for a few seconds before sighing and going to Juleka.

Whatever was going on with Adrien, Luka will figure it out.

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