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Ever since the moment Luka laid his eyes on the mesmerising blond, he couldn't help but keep on glancing at the boy. He learned that he was Adrien and oddly that name fitted him perfectly, Luka couldn't really imagine him with another name.

He now understand why this boy was loved so much for his visuals. His silky blond hair and those lime eyes went really well together, those peachy lips and bread cheeks were the definition of pretty. In short Adrien was beautiful.

But something about the boy was odd, he couldn't really read him and Luka was really good at reading people and was pretty observant so not being able to understand the blond was frustrating to him. He was also good at playing people's emotions, weird as it sounds. He could feel people's inner melody and that allowed him to play something on a tune that can satisfy the listener.

But with Adrien it was different, he tried to play the guitar near the boy but his melody was messed up and he couldn't pin point the exact tune, it was intriguing if you ask Luka. He was extremely curious about the blond now and he will admit it.

They didn't really have a full conversation after the little introduction. Because mostly, the boy was talking with his friend or Alya trying to throw Marinette onto him. It was an amusing sight, the girl crushing on him was a pretty obvious thing but Adrien seemed oblivious to it or Luka wasn't sure if he was acting so.

Finally seeing the younger alone, he decided to start a conversation. "Hello Adrien" the boy jumped and he felt slightly guilty for scaring him, Adrien turned towards him with amused eyes, before smiling at him. Now, his smile was pretty but something about it wasn't right.

"Hi Luka" he spoke in a cheery voice and Luka wore a gentle smile and sat down. He noticed the boy's straightened position causing him to straighten his back too.

"So how are you doing?"

"I'm doing fine what about you?" Adrien said after a little pause. Luka scanned his face, any sign to read the boy and it was like the boy was wearing an invisible mask to avoid the exact thing.

"I'm doing fine too" Adrien nodded and the silence engulfed them again, the kind you don't know if the other person is awkward or not.

"So you are a model right? Do you enjoy it" Luka broke the silence. Adrien looked slightly taken aback by the question, probably not being asked such.

"Uh..yes?" That one came out more as a question. Luka raised his eyebrow at him and Adrien blinked rapidly.

"Really? You didn't seem sure with yourself" he grinned when he saw the boy's troubled face, not the kind of trouble you should be worried about.

"I..yeah, I'm sure" he said after another brief pause and Luka decided not to push it.

"I saw you playing the guitar" Adrien began and he hummed, signalling the pretty blond to continue. "How long has it been since you started playing it?"

"From when I was 10, it was my father's gift" Adrien made a sound of understanding and slowly nodded.

"Do you play any instruments?"

"Yes I play the piano" He said with a smile.

"Really?" Luka's eyes slightly widened in surprise. "I've always loved the sound of  pianos, but I couldn't learn it"

"I can teach you!" Luka looked at the boy again.

"I don't want to be a bother Adrien" the boy quickly shook his head.

"Never-" he was cut off by Marinette falling on her face. Both of their eyes went wide and stared at her in shock. The bluenette quickly got on her feet and gave the boys an awkward smile.

"Are you okay Marinette?" Luka noticed how the girl's face went pink at a simple question by Adrien.

"Y-yes A-adrien, you're lime! I mean I'm line! I-I mean I'm fine" she stuttered out. Adrien seemed used to this behaviour, considering his expression.

"That's good" he said and then they just stood there, the atmosphere was awkward or Luka wasn't sure if it was just him..

" need to walk to you No! Talk to you Adrien" Marinette squeaked out and Adrien nodded and stood up.

"Sure Marinette" he then looked at Luka, the smile returning again. "See ya' later Luka"

"Sure" then both of them left, Marinette tripping over herself but Adrien catching her before she kissed the floor again.

Luka sighed, well seems like he have to wait another time to get to know Adrien more and he was thrilled. All he needs is a little patience then maybe the boy will open up to him and he will be able to read the blond.

Luka didn't know what was so interesting about the younger, maybe his mysterious personality? He is not sure but he definitely wanted to find out more.

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