twenty seven

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"Adrien! Luka!" Marinette and the others ran upto the couple who walked towards them, with a smile.

"We were so worried!" Chloe said as she jumped onto Adrien, who  struggled to hold her. Adrien didn't fail to notice, the slight jealousy that flashed across a certain ginger head's eyes.

"I'm fine now guys, don't worry" Chloe let go off him and started hitting him everywhere. Luka had to drag his sunshine away from the angry girl. "Chloe, what the hell!?"

"You dumbwit, that's what you get for scaring me like that!" She stomped her foot, and crossed her arms over her chest. Adrien pouted and Luka had to control himself from cooing.

"This shit is cute" Alya said, wiping her non existent tears. The others laughed and pulled Adrien into a group hug. When they all pulled away, they walked around the park.

"So, got any time to get with Captian Bug? Were the non attended classes useful?" Marinette nudged his shoulder in a teasing manner. Adrien tilted his head in confusion, before it got him.

"What do you- oh! Oh my God, I completely forgot about that" he laughed, remembering the 'classes' he planned on doing with Marinette. The bluenette laughed along, while saying.

"Don't worry, I also just remembered it today" the group of friends spent half of their day like that, having not have been free minded for a long time.

Then it came to the point where they had to eventually part ways. Luka and Adrien rushed to transform again and left to the Eiffel Tower. The place was filled with parisians who were eager to hear from the couple.

"Hawk Moth has officially been defeated!" Luka announced and the people cheered as they praised the heroes.

"Paris is safe again!" Adrien said and turned to look at the smiling Luka. A thought then crossed his mind, smiling coyly, he leaned in to whisper.

"You know, we've never really kissed as Captain Bug and Chat Noir" he began slowly, making Luka turn to him.

"And?" The blue eyed hero, leaned in.

"I was wondering maybe-" he was cut off.

"That we could kiss?" Luka completed his sentence and Adrien's eyes widened.

"See! We're made for each other" he dramatically said and placed a hand on his chest. Chuckling at the blondie's antics, he pulled him forward. This silenced the crowd as they watched with curious eyes.

"Kiss me Captian.." Adrien seductively whispered against the older's lips. Luka crashed his lips against his sunshine's and kissed him passionately. The whole of Paris erupted in cheers as the young couple devoured each other's lips.

When they pulled apart, both of them had dumb smiles dancing on their swollen lips.

"You're magical" Luka connected their foreheads as he spoke, a giggle left the blondie's lips. At that moment, Luka discovered something more mesmerising than music, and he could hear Adrien laugh every minute and still not get bored of it. There he realised, he had fallen too deep in love with him, but he had no regrets.

It was around evening when Adrien came to the Agreste mansion, Luka had to go to the houseboat. He pushed the door open and saw Natalie talking to someone. He confusedly walked towards the woman and his eyes widened upon seeing who sat on the couch.

"Adrien, my buttercup!" Amelie stood up and pulled the blond into a tight embrace. His cousin Felix stood behind his aunt.

"Aunt Amelie, what are you doing here?" He asked with a smile on his lips. Amelie ruffled his hair and spoke.

"I saw the news and had to come. I'm so sorry I couldn't help you" she spoke with sadness and guilt hinting off her voice.

"Oh no, it's okay. I'm fine now. hey Felix, how are you?" Felix smiled and walked towards him. He offered his hand to shake, but Adrien pulled him into a hug.

"I'm fine Adrien, it's nice to meet you again" he said in a monotone voice. Adrien raised his eyebrow and punched his stomach. Felix held his stomach as he screamed.

"Okay bitch, that was uncalled for!" Amelie gasped as she hit his shoulder.

"Felix, mind your words!" She scolded, making Adrien laugh. Felix glared at him, but he paid no mind to it.

"I missed you Felix" The boy smiled at Adrien.

"I missed you too"

"Now, that we have done the reunion. Adrien please sign these papers" Natalie handed him a form and he read through it. Adoption Papers.

"I'm getting adopted?" He asked. Natalie nodded with a smile before saying.

"Read the rest" and that's what Adrien did. He read through it and his eyes glazed over with tears. He was gonna get adopted by Natalie, and he was more than happy about it.

"Is this for real?" His eyes sparkled with hope and Natalie walked closer to him.

"It's more than real" Adrien hugged her tightly and Natalie returned the hug happily.

"This is emotional" Amelie said, tearing up. Felix rolled his eyes at his dramatic mother but of course, he had a smile.

"Thank you Natalie! Thank you so much!" Natalie had tears in her eyes too. Today was probably one of the best days he had experienced in his life.

"Though you will be my son, you will be carrying the Agreste legacy, with your own style of course" Natalie said as they broke the hug.

"I'm exicted!" He cheered and the 4 of them decided to continue their chat while having dinner. What a day!.

Nice Felix au. But anyway, this is the second last chapter :( this book will end by today, hopefully.

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