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Luka was confused and stunned, what caused Marinette to get akumatised? The last time he saw her before she was akumatised was when she was talking to Adrien, did the boy say something offensive? But Adrien is literally the kindest person he ever met. But whatever happened between the two was something big, as Princess Justice was stronger than any akuma villain they fought in the past week.

Then his eyes caught the sight of Chat Noir, he was staring off into space and Princess Justice shot her ribbons at him.

"Cat! Watch out!" He called out but it was too late, he saw the ribbon tighten around him. He cursed in his mind and rushed towards him, trying to break the ribbons.

"Reveal your biggest guilt Chat Noir!" Princess Justice demanded. Luka looked back to the boy and saw him struggle. He looked like he was losing his breath, quickly he pulled out his yoyo.

"Lucky charm!" A beed charm fell into his hand and he stared at it confused before, looking around to figure out how to use this and Princess Justice was the only one lighting up. He moved the charm infront of her and she froze.

"M-my charm..Adrien gave it to me! Give it!" She yelled.

"Free him! Then I'll give it to you"

"I can't! He has to reveal his biggest guilt" she said back and Luka looked at Chat Noir again and saw his eyes slightly roll back and his mouth opened to say something but Luka quickly placed a hand over it.

"Princess Justice, if you don't free Chat Noir I will destroy this charm!" He threatened and Marinette's eyes widened.

"No! Don't you dare!" She cried out and Luka did the first thing that came to his mind, he threw it. Yes, he threw it. He saw Princess Justice quickly rush towards it.

Taking this as a chance, he looked around to find something sharp and his eyes landed on a shop, he went towards the shopkeeper.

"Hi! Do you have a knife I can borrow? it's an emergency!" He said, panick evident in his voice.

"Sure thing, Captain Bug" he handed him a knife and Luka ran to Chat Noir and tried cutting the ribbon. It was hard at first but he made it, his partner fell into his arms.

"Are you okay?" He asked and when he got no response he sat down and turned him around and saw him taking deep breathes, his face was in a light shade of red. He sighed and hugged the feline hero, pulling his body closer and giving him the warmth he need.

He scanned his eyes around and saw bottles of water stacked near a store, he pulled out his yoyo and grabbed a bottle using it. Opening the cap, he placed it near the blond's lips and Chat Noir drank from it. Seconds later the bottle was empty.

"Are you okay kitty?" He asked when he saw him sit up.

"Yes, I'm fine, thank you" he said and Luka nodded. "Where's Marinette?" Luka sighed

"I don't know, we need to find her" he said.

"C'mon then, we can't wait" he stumbled up and ran, Luka stared at his disappearing figure. Sighing, he followed him.

When they reached there, they saw Princess Justice crying while holding onto the charm that was now in two pieces, there was also a butterfly shape infront of her face.

"Marinette?" He heard Chat Noir call out, they both crouched down infront of her. She was sobbing pretty bad, with tears rushing out fast.

"I-I'm sorry, I...sorry, forgive me.." she mumbled, Luka glanced at his partner.

"Cataclysm" the feline hero mumbled and cataclysmed her purse into ashes. Then a purple butterfly flew out of the ashes and Luka grabbed it into his yoyo and purified it. He gently took the charm from her hand and threw it to the sky and little red ladybugs surrounded them and all around Paris, fixing the broken things caused by Princess Justice.

Soon enough, Princess Justice was turned back into Marinette, who confusedly looked around.

"Where am I? What happened?" She asked, her voice was dry and hoarse.

"Everything is okay Marinette" Luka said and helped her up.

"You were akumatised, I'm sorry" Chat Noir apologised, what is he sorry for? Luka had thought.

"Oh no, but wh-oh..right, um..thanks for saving me, I need to go" she said and ran away from there and Luka and Chat Noir looked at each other.

"Pound it?" He forwarded his fist and the blond stared at it before smiling, looked to be a sad one.

"Pound it.." he bumped Luka's fist. Both of their miraculouses started flashing.

"Welp, gotta go..see ya'" he pulled his yoyo and swinged away. He landed infront of a building and hid in the corner and de-transformed.

He gave Tikki a treat who munched on it happily. Then she flew back into his pocket and they left to the boat.

Reaching there, the first thing he saw was everyone consoling Marinette and Adrien standing in the corner staring at them. He walked over to Adrien and stood infront of him.

"What happened?" He saw the other sigh at that.

"Marinette confessed to me, but I don't like her like that. And now I think the others are mad at me, except Nino.." he muttered and Luka squinted his eyes.

Why the hell are they mad at Adrien, it was not the boy's fault that he doesn't love Marinette.

Luka was not gonna sit and do nothing about this.

Since there was a major and unexpected change of plans, I decided to update and I apologise if this was stupid and boring...

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