twenty one

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He closed his eyes as the hot water poured down and crashed into his skin, the feeling soothed him but not his mind. His mind wandered off back to the blond, Adrien was missing and he just wanted to find him. Of course Luka was sure he likes the blond but these days he's been questioning if that 'like' turned to 'love', but he wasn't gonna jump into things fast.

After the shower, he dried up and changed into a simple tshirt and sweatpants. He pulled out his phone and tried to find something on Adrien. His father surely was cruel.

"Homophobic prick" he thought in his head as he scrolled down. Then he got a message from an unknown number.

Is this Luka?

Uh, yes?

Oh thank God!
Luka it's me Adrien

Luka's eyes widened as he typed as fast as his fingers could go.

Are you fr?

Yes! Look I need your help

Always kitty, tell me where are you?

I'm at xxxx
Pls hurry up, I can't stay here

I'll be there dw!

Also pls don't tell anyone about this

I won't

He quickly stood up and typed in the address to his phone and scurried off to his bike. He was confused on why Adrien didn't want anyone else to know about this but right now, he was gonna see the blondie so that's all that matters.

"Slow down a little Luka" Tikki worried. Giving her a quick reassurance, he sped off.

20 minutes passed and Luka arrived in front of an apartment complex. He parked his bike and got off, taking big strides into the huge building.

When he was standing infront of the said apartment he knocked, and the door slowly creaked open, revealing a mop of yellow.

"Luka!" The blond hugged him and Luka was quick to hug back. "I'm so glad you came" he smiled.

"I'm so glad that you reached out to me kitty" he told, not even worrying a bit about the Identities at the moment.

"Right-um, where are we gonna go?"

"To my house and you're telling me everything that happened" after Adrien nodded, both of them took Adrien's stuff and left the complex.

30 minutes passed after Adrien came to Luka's house. He stared at Luka who was in a deep thought, while during the explanation Adrien purposefully missed out the Chat Noir part, unaware of the fact that Luka here was almost sure that he was Chat Noir.

"Okay, you'll stay with me until we figure out what to do with your father" Luka spoke breaking the silence.

"Will I be a bother?" Luka offered him a smile and shook his head.

"No, you're never a bother Adrien" he assured him and Adrien nodded letting out a soft hum.

"Thank you so much Luka" he stood up and walked towards the blue eyed boy and pecked his lips. It was just supposed to be a peck but Luka pulled him to his lap and deepened the kiss. Adrien wrapped his arms around Luka's neck and loosely tangled his fingers on the older's hair.

Luka's long veiny hands set themselves nicely on the pretty blond's waist and rubbed circles on it with his thumbs.

To take a moment to breath the pretty lovers pulled apart and stared longingly at each other's eyes. Luka was sure that those lime eyes will be the death of him.

"You know, I don't know if this is too fast but.." he trailed off, thinking if it's time. "I like you Adrien, I really do. More than a friend" he confessed, pretty blant but he meant it. Adrien's eyes shot up in shock as he stared at him.

"You..I- what?" He stuttered out, unable to form words. He was stunned, well Luka sure was special to him and he felt more safer with him that anyone else but does he like him in that way?.

"You don't have to say it, if you're not ready, but I'll be waiting" when Adrien stood up, Luka followed his actions and walked to the room, leaving Adrien to think "what the heck just happened?".

"Well, damn" he spared a glance at the black kwami who was staring at the now closed door.

Meanwhile, Natalie walked upto Adrien's room ready to give him his once a day meal. In all honesty, Natalie pitied him. If she could make him her son, then never in her life would she ever hurt him. Natalie was purely in shock, still not able to get things straight. First her boss locked up his own son for kissing a boy, then he akumatised her and made her give him a power boost to become Scarlet Moth, then he akumatised Adrien's friends and now he's only letting Adrien eat once a day. That man was insane.

She opened the door with the key. Adrien seemed to be in somewhat of a good shape, when he fought the victims as Chat Noir. That little relief washed off the suit cladding woman, as she spotted Adrien nowhere.

She frantically looked everywhere as frustration and worry rushed up her body. In a hurry, she placed the food down and ran downstairs.

"Sir! You need to see this!" Gabriel who was working on some shit, turned to the dewilished woman.

"Natalie, what do you want?" He asked with boredom lacing off his voice.

"Adrien is missing!" She shouted. Gabriel raised an eyebrow and walked upstairs, followed by a worry striked Natalie.

"Adrien!" He called out multiple times but got no luck. Feeling flustered, Nooroo came out of his master's suit and flew towards the window.

"Nooroo, where are you going!?" The angry old man, yelled and walked towards the kwami.

"Master, this window radiates the power of a miraculous" Nooroo spoke with his calm and collected voice. Hearing this, Gabriel inspected the broken window.

"The black cat miraculous..." he whispered. Natalie suck in a stuttering breath as Gabriel turned to her. "Natalie," he called out cautiously.


"Do you know something that I don't?" He walked closer and she took a step back. The usually cold and scary Natalie was now, sweating and scared.

"No sir" she wasn't gonna reveal Adrien's secret to this monster but her current state made it impossible.

"Answer me honestly" he threatened, grabbing her hair and pushing her towards the wall.

"Adrien-he, he is C-chat Noir" the emotionally wrecked woman spilled it and Gabriel's eyes darkened.

" Chat Noir?" He asked and a devilish smirk grew upon his face. "That's just make things easier" he laughed like the maniac he was and stormed out, as Natalie fell onto the floor and cried.

You thought shit was about to end? Lmao you're wrong.

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