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It was night in Paris. The buildings were all lit up, along with the Eiffel Tower. There wasn't many vehicles on the road, but still there was a good amount. Luka was standing in the deck, watching the water.

He was in a deep thought, rewinding the events that happened at Chloe's party. As much as he tried to stop the blooming feelings for a certain blond, his mind always went back to him. He regretted walking away so much, he wondered what would've happened if he stayed. What if he kissed him? How would Adrien's lips feel on his? They looked really soft, would they feel soft too?.

Luka was pulled out of his fantasies, when he caught a glimpse of yellow. He looked up at a nearby building and saw the feline hero sitting there, hugging his legs and with his head down.

Tikki flew out of Luka's pocket and stared at the boy too. "Isn't that Chat Noir? What is he doing here?" She thought out loud.

"I don't know, but there is only one way to find out." Luka said and grinned at Tikki, who nodded.

"Tikki spots on!" Luka, now Captian Bug, pulled out his yoyo and swung up. Landing swiftly near the sad looking kitty.

"Hey Chat.." Chat Noir looked up at his with glazed eyes, which he quickly wiped. Luka saw how the blond was trying to pull off a fake smile and greeted back.

"What's wrong buttercup?" Luka asked gently and sat down next to him. Chat Noir cleared his throat and spoke.

"Nothing is wrong with me! Why do you ask?" He tried to pull off his act.

"I'm being serious kitty, tell me what is it?" Chat Noir gulped and looked away. Sighing, Luka scooted closer and waiting patiently until the usually hyper boy spilled something.

"It's just..My father, he..nevermind I don't wanna drag you into this stupid matters" Luka furrowed his eyebrows, causing a thick straight line to form on his forehead.

"Nothing is stupid when it comes to you kitty cat" he said honestly. Chat Noir stared at him, looking slightly dazed. Luka took this as an opportunity to admire the feline hero. His messy blond hair covered his forehead and ears, green cat eyes that shone in the dark and his lips that looked unusually red, maybe from biting it for a long time, Luka guessed.

"You're pretty..." Luka unknowingly let out. He saw the other's eyes slightly widen.

"What?.." he breathed out, and that snapped Luka out of his trance. Realising what he said, he flushed red. Internally thanking the God for it being night.

"Um..nothing! Why were you crying again?" He stammered out. Luka was sure he saw a glint of sadness shining in the other's eyes again, but before he could think further Chat Noir spoke.

"Will you make fun of me?" He asked in a small voice and Luka frowned.

"I would never Chat..please just tell me what it is."

"It's just...everybody expects me to be perfect! I'm just 16. I'm trying my best to satisfy my father but he says it isn't enough. I got in an argument with him today due to him not letting me leave the house. He..he then brought up my mother and said-said something I couldn't bear and I just got weak, I hate being weak..." The boy said in a broken voice and Luka pulled him into a hug, cradling him.


Adrien cried into Luka's shoulder, his father's words repeated in his head like a broken record.

'No wonder your mother left! Raising something like you is hard. If only you left instead of her!'

He let out another chocked sob. At this point he was sure, his tears weren't just because of his father as the voices grew more loud.

'You need to be picture perfect Adrien'

'Our family is known for our perfection and I expect you to follow our footsteps'

'Adrien is living the life'

'Dude you are so lucky you know that?'

'You are useless Adrien!'

'How dare you raise your voice against me!"

'No wonder your mother left! Raising something like you is hard. If only you left instead of her!'

'No wonder your mother left! Raising something like you is hard. If only you left-'

"Make it s-stop" he cried out, when he couldn't bear it. He was sick of pretending that everything was fine. He was sick of being perfect. He was sick of all the toxic people. He was sick of everything.


After a few minutes Chat Noir's cries stopped and he pulled away from Luka's hold while covering his face. Luka confusedly looked at the boy.

"Stop staring, I look ugly" he murmured and Luka couldn't help the chuckle he let out.

"Oh buttercup"

He pulled the feline hero's hand away and wiped the remaining tears and offered him a warm smile. He saw a smile slipping onto the other's face too.

"Thank you..and I'm sorry for breaking down like that" he looked down and Luka let out a tiny sigh.

"Don't apologize for that kitty, I'll always be here for you" he comforted him.

"Thanks Captain.." Luka nodded and both of them sat there staring at each other. The moon's light reflected down onto the bright yellow locks of Chat Noir making them shine, he also didn't forget to notice that familiar void present in the eyes of his kitty.

Now, this moment reminded him of the other night with Adrien. His eyes flashed to the poster a little far from the blond. It was the new ad of Adrien. He looked back at Chat Noir and back to the poster. Unknowingly he out a gasp, realising the odd similarities.

"What?" He blinked a few times as Chat Noir asked.

"It's uh, nothing. I need to go somewhere, um..I'll see another day? Take care of yourself okay?" Chat looked lost but nodded and Luka quickly left.

He didn't want to believe it, but it made sense. "Let's not jump into conclusions without seeing it" he thought.


Adrien was confused on why Captian Bug left so suddenly. But without thinking much to it, he decided to leave. He pulled out his baton and left the area to his house.

He landed inside his room through the window and detransformed. He threw Plagg a camembert.

"Adrien.." a familiar voice spoke startling him. When he turned around his eyes nearly popped out of it's sockets.


Hello, how is everybody? I finally updated a chapter and sorry for taking so long. I was so damn busy. But I hope you liked the chapter♡♡

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