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Luka was distressed. You can guess why, he saw the news. He knew that Adrien didn't enjoy modelling but is his father that nice to make him drop the job? Honestly, Luka would've believed that, if the blondie answered his calls but that wasn't the case, and also the news stating that Adrien won't be making any public appearance caused him to be even more frustrated.

Today was the pretty blond's birthday and the last time they spoke was in the morning when Luka wished him. He tried to call multiple times and even send texts but nothing went through.

That's when he got a call, hoping it was the boy who stole his heart, he picked it up in a hurry, only to be met with Marinette's face. But that didn't stop him, he answered hoping the bluenette had some information about Adrien's sudden disappearance.

"Luka! Are you there?"

"Marinette? Yes I am, what's wrong?"

"Have you seen the news!?"

"I have, what happened to Adrien?"

"We don't know, we were planning on throwing him a surprise party at the school but then Chloe showed us the news"

"Does Chloe know anything?" His small lasting fire of hope faded when he heard the other's meek voice.


"Shit, Do you have any idea on how to contact Adrien!?" He raised his eyebrows when he heard a high pitched 'what the fuck?' On the other side.

"Marinette?..are you okay?"

"Luka...you and Adrien kissed?" His eyes widened when she uttered those words.

"How did you.." he trailed off, not knowing how to put his words.

"A photo was leaked and it shows you kissing Adrien" Marinette explained, still in a state of shock. Things started forming in his head as he put two and two together, Adrien's father must've found out about the kiss and now Adrien..

"Fuck, okay! Marinette here me out, Adrien is in really big trouble right now and we need to save him" he explained.

"I figured, let's all meet up at the houseboat. We'll ask Mr. Damocles for permission, I am sure he will agree as Adrien is his favourite student" Luka agreed on the plan and hung up, he ran his hands over his face and let out a frustrated sigh.

No, he did not regret kissing Adrien. Well, it was the blond who kissed him first but you get me. All he wanted right now was to save Adrien from whatever the hell that was happening in his house and just keep him in his arms, protecting him from all the evil that surrounds them.

After 10 minutes of anguish. He heard noises from the deck and hurried up, coming face with Juleka and her friends.

"There you guys are!" He exclaimed.

"We need to save Adrikins" Chloe said with a determined look in her eyes.

"Chloe you've been to Adrien's house, is there a way to get in without anyone knowing?" Alya asked. Chloe thought for a second before her eyes lit up.

"Yes there is! But we need to move now, it's a long way" she switched her tone back to serious and everyone nodded.

Meanwhile, the poor blondie was sitting on his bed, his usually sparkling eyes were dull. His eyes and nose were red and his whole face was blotchy. Plagg sat quietly on his shoulder, before an idea flashed onto his mind.

"Adrien!" He called making the blond let out a tiny hum. "Let's sneak out!" He said and flew infront of Adrien.

"What do you mean?" His bright voice was raspy now and he coughed a little.

"Let's take a few clothes and necessities and sneak out" the little kwami explained.

"Plagg how are we gonna do that?"

"You're Chat Noir! Transform and cataclysm the window then we can leave" Adrien's eyes widened in realisation. How did that not cross his mind? A tiny smile broke out on his face as he stood up.

"Plagg, claws out" the blond took the stuff he needs for now and cataclysmed the half of the window before jumping out.

Natalie who came to check up on him, stumbled back in shock but she uttered no words to her boss.

The vent in Adrien's bathroom creaked as it was moved and out came a blonde girl, followed by a blue haired boy, a blunette, a brunette and another boy. Chloe gently opened the bathroom door and entered into Adrien's room, followed by the others.

"Adrien.." Luka called out but he got no response. Confused, all of them looked around the room, trying to find the blondie but no luck.

"Where is he?" Marinette asked.

"Uh..guys? Why is the window broken?" Nino asked with concern and confusion. They went closer to the broken window and scanned it, then Luka felt the power of a miraculous radiating off the broken glass.

"Cataclysm.." he murmured with wide eyes. So, could his guess be true? Could Adrien really be Chat Noir?.

"What?" Alya sounded, not having heard Luka properly, none of them did.

"Nothing, Adrien probably escaped?"

"How? It's pretty tall from here" Chloe said and looked down the window and it was true.

"Then-" Nino was cut off by a loud crash from outside the house.

"Where are you Gabriel Agreste! What did you do to our Adrien!?" A familiar voice boomed out and the team looked at each other.

"Is that Rose?" Marinette questioned. They flinched once again when another crash was heard.

"Come out you coward!"

"That's Kim.." Nino said.

"They're akumatised, we should not have left them alone!" Luka figured it out and now they got a new problem to deal with.

This is going to be fun.

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