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Luka was writing the lyrics for the new song they're working on. They decided to go for a relaxing tune and so, here he was brainstorming some lines. All while, picturing a certain blondie.

He felt like he was longing for Adrien. The last meeting they had, Adrien couldn't participate, crumbling Luka's expectations on seeing the pretty boy. Although Luka was growing to like him more and more by the day, a voice in the back of his head said he couldn't have him.

Which resulted in him writing this song, '1000 times'.

Taking his guitar in hand, he began strumming while slowly singing the lyrics. Tikki closed her eyes and let the miraculous sound of music engulf her. The whole room was inundated with the music and the deep voice of the blue eyed boy.

Back of the room
Looking at you
Counting the steps
Between us

The moment when Luka was staring at Adrien walking downstairs with Chloe at the party flashed in his mind.

A hundred and five
Little blades in a line
From your skin to mine
And I feel it

Adrien's lime green eyes that shone in the moonlight at the balcony when their 'almost-kiss' happened, kept on re-playing like a broken record in his mind.

Eyes on the ground
But I can't look up now
Don't wanna give it away
My secret

Strangely, the moments that occurred with Chat Noir last night appeared in his jumbled and confused head.

In another life, my teeth and tongue
Would speak aloud what until now I've only sung

Luka sucked in a sharp breath and put down his guitar after finishing the line. Tikki fluttered open her eyes and stared at him confused.

"Why did you stop Luka?"

"'s-..I lost the mood to play" he replied to her question, avoiding her eyes.

"You're finding it hard to get Adrien out of your mind" she stated with a sly smile. Luka frantically shot his head up.

"What!? No! Pfft. That's ridiculous" he spoke in a rushed out manner. Tikki raised her brows and chuckled, bemused by the boy's reaction.

"Relax Luka, it's not a big deal" she tried to calm him down. Luka sighed a big one, before falling onto his bed and letting the sheets drown him. Tikki laid down on his chest and closed her eyes.

Luka's mind wandered off again, these days it had been hard for him to keep his mind at peace. Probably because of the blondie.

After debating with his mind a few more times he decided to ask the question that's been bothering him. "Tikki, do you know Chat Noir's identity?"

"No? We're not supposed to know that Luka. The owners' identity must remain a secret for their own safety" she explained with her calm and collected demeanour.

Luka hummed, unable to form any words. In all honesty, he didn't know what he should say at that. He was certainly curious on who the feline hero was and he had a guess. Adrien Agreste. The similarities were just a few, the blond hair, green eyes, that specific charming smile. Other than that, they were polar opposites.

Sighing for nth time, Luka pulled out his phone and texted a number he had saved but never chatted with.


This is Luka

In a minute, he got a reply from the blondie.

Hi luka!
H r u?

I'm doing fine Adrien

I can say the same

That's good to hear
I was wondering if you wanna hang out?

I would love that <3

Luka smiled at the heart that was sent by the boy. "Cute" he mumbled under his breath.

I'll see you tmrw?

How 'bout we meet at the tower?

As you wish♡

See ya tmrw Luka

You too Adrien

Luka turned off his phone with a warm smile dancing on his lips. Tikki who noticed this eyed him "you're falling" she simpered.


Short update. I know it was late too, I just fell into a short writer's block but anyway their relationship will be getting more serious from now ( I hope )

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