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Adrien always knew that he wasn't permitted to have freedom because he was a model. He never understood the rule and whenever he tried questioning it, he was yelled at so he stopped trying.

It was annoying, that's for sure. I mean staying at home is nice and all but you will eventually get sick of it. The only reason he was ever allowed to go out was for school or any photoshoot, even then he had a bodyguard.

Adrien loves his friends but sometimes he wonders if they even care about him or if they are just hanging around him because he is a model. Speaking of being a model, Adrien despised the job. He never liked it but he can't tell it to his father because he was scared to, ever since his mother died, his father grew distant from him and became extremely strict. His mother was the only sunshine in their house, the only one who kept the family together, the only one who allowed him to have fun but with her gone, the whole house was dull. He sometimes even thinks that his father doesn't even love him, judging by the way the man acts.

Before going to school, he had only one friend Chloe and if she wasn't the mayor's daughter then he was sure he wouldn't have her too. Chloe understood him alot and she was overly protective over him, that's why she plays the rich mean girl of the city to keep people who might hurt him away, and so far it's working but that act makes people hate her and Adrien didn't like that.

Chloe acts like she is in love with him and will kill whoever that tries to crush on him, while in reality she is a full lesbian. Adrien found that one a little funny, Chloe sure was good at acting.

His father liked this act as it will keep fans away and no one will fall inlove with him. Yes, Adrien wasn't allowed to date, his father says he is too young for it and can only date after 20 years old. He is 16 by the way.

In all short, his life was unfair.

He shook off his thoughts when he heard a knock on his door, assuming that it was Natalie he told her to come in. The door opened and the blue haired woman entered. Her hair was tied into a bun, with the red streak defining her silky locks. She had her glasses pushed up on her sharp nose and was clad in a black skin tight suit.

Natalie came off as a cold woman but that's wrong, to Adrien she was a caring lady who was trying to mask her soft heart with coldness. And he respected it, these days women standing strong was a good thing.

"Adrien, you're father has permitted you to hang out with your friends today" that news shocked Adrien to the core. Now what the fuck happened to his father? Why is he letting Adrien go? Not that he is complaining but Gabriel Agreste letting his son have fun is definitely not normal.

"Wait really?" He squeaked out and Natalie gave a sharp nod. Wow? He honestly didn't know how to feel about this.

"Thank you Natalie, tell father I am thankful"

"Will do, you should get ready" she said and left. Adrien blankly stared at the now closed door and blinked. Then he slowly stood up and took deep breath before erupting into cheers, he did a little happy dance and twirled into his closet.

He rummaged through his clothes and pulled out a black hoodie with a huge white G on it, a letter that resembles that the design belongs to the Agrestes. He also grabbed a skinny black jeans and white converse, then he quickly changed and ran out of his room.

He climbed inside the car and wore his seatbelt. "To Nino's apartment please" he said to the driver who nodded and started the car. He was gonna go pick Nino up and then will leave to the houseboat together. He pulled out his phone and texted Nino that he was gonna pick him up.

He watched the trees, buildings and people zoom in as the car sped off. Then soon enough he came face with his friend's house and the brunet was standing infront of it. Nino waved at him and got in the car.

"Hey dude!" They did their handshake "I am so glad your old man let you come" he said and fixed his cap.

"Yeah, me too! I am still a little shocked" Adrien replied and both of them chatted all the way to the houseboat. When they reached there, both of then got out and thanked the driver who grunted in response. They walked inside the houseboat and greeted everyone.

"Hey guys!" Nino waved and everyone waved back, Alya and Marinette quickly made their way towards them. Adrien let his eyes wander around the boat as they kept walking towards the others.

That's when his eyes met with an ocean blue one. The boy was looking at him with slight wide eyes but when Adrien tilted his head the boy quickly looked away, he looked a little older than Adrien. He had dark blue hair with light blue ends, he also had peach pink lips and sharp jawline. His sunkissed tan skin had a special glow in this weather and the boy looked at Adrien again and this time it was his turn to look away. 

At this moment, all Adrien knew was that boy was magical.

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