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Adrien never had been asked if he had enjoyed being a model, since people have always thought that being famous was cool. So when Luka asked him he didn't know how to answer. He hated that job, that's for sure but he couldn't just say it to Luka like that because he didn't know how the boy was gonna take it.

"So-um I was wondering if you wanna bang out! I mean-I mean hang in--out!" Marinette asked not fully making sense but he was used to it.

He felt bad, he knew Marinette likes him as it is the most obvious thing in the world but he doesn't really feel the same, so his brain came with an only solution, pretend to be oblivious to her feelings and so far it's been going extremely good.

"I- uh..sure? I mean yeah, we can hang out. when?" He saw how Marinette's face turned red. Like full on red, it almost made him worried but then again we are talking Marinette Dupian-Cheng.

"Oh my God! Thank you Adrien! Um how about we go watch ice cream tomorrow and buy a movie" Adrien blinked and nodded understanding what she was trying to say.

"Sure, we can buy ice cream and watch a movie" he really hoped she didn't get the wrong idea. Watching Marinette's jump on her feet made him wish this won't turn bad.


After that little encounter everything went by fast, he didn't really get the time to talk to Luka again and a part of him really wanted to but he pushed it aside.

Then the time arrived for him to go back home, he said farewells to his friends and left. When he reached home, he went straight to his room and plopped down.

He blankly stared up at the ceiling, before sitting up and taking off his hoodie, he threw it to the side and rested his eyes and slowly lulled himself to sleep.

The next morning he woke up, he was met with a message by Marinette. Rubbing his eyes, he picked the phone in his hand and read over the text.

Hey Adrien!
So I am going to be a little late, but see you at Andre's.

He rose from his bed and sent her a thumbs up, before walking to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and took a shower and slipped onto a light blue jeans, a white sweatshirt and blue sneakers. He checked himself in the mirror and slightly grimaced at the huge black G. Most of the clothes he owned were his father's designs, not by his choice.

He grabbed his phone and wallet and walked out of his room. He saw Natalie setting down his meal nothing much as he was forced on a diet because he was gaining 'weight'. It was just a toasted bread and eggs, with milk.

He sat down and greeted Natalie a good morning and began eating.

"You're schedule is mostly clear today Adrien" since it was Saturday he guessed that one on his own but Natalie confirming it was an assurance.

After he thanked her, she walked away. He quickly finished his meal and snuck out and thankfully nobody noticed. He kept his head low and walked not wanting to gather unwanted attention.

When he reached the ice cream truck, he looked around for the bluenette but she was nowhere to be seen so assuming she will be here soon, he sat down on a bench.

There were kids running around, adults taking a walk, elders resting and enjoying the weather and teenagers hanging out. Birds flew around or sat on trees, singing their morning melodies. The sun shone bright and the soft breeze kissed people's face. The Eiffel Tower stood tall and added more beauty to the view. Even though he was alone, for now, the sight was an enjoyable one.

Then he noticed an old man fall, he quickly got up to his feet and rushed towards him. He looked to be reaching for his staff, so he grabbed it and helped the man up.

"Sir, are you alright?" He asked as he brought him to his feet, the man smiled softly at the him and nodded.

"Thank you, young man" he handed the man his staff "and yes, I am fine" he completed and Adrien let out a breath of relief.

"You're welcome sir" the man waved at him and walked away. He watched until the man was out of view, making sure he was safe.

"Adrien!" He heard a voice calling him, he spun on his feet and came face to with the girl. She ran towards him and placed her hands on her knees to catch her breath.

"Hello Marinette" he greeted her. Marinette's cheeks flushed pink as she stood straight, Adrien took a moment to look at her attire. She was clad in a pink crop top with a black overcoat and black skinny jeans.

"You look handsome today! Well you look handsome everyday!" She squeaked out and Adrien gently shook his head.

"Calm down Marinette and thanks for the compliment" he comforted the nervous girl. "And you look wonderful too" he said and Marinette's cheeks get even more darker, causing him to let out a little chuckle.

"How about we get some ice cream and head for the movies?, before we're late" the girl nodded vigorously. A part of him felt guilty for leading her on after knowing she clearly likes him but he also didn't wanna break her heart and it wasn't like he was inlove with anyone else anyway so, maybe he can give it a shot?

I hope you are enjoying this so far and maybe leave a few comments so I can know you like it♡♡

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