002 || Brynn || Fluff /F\

454 12 1


requester: _SamBenz_
Esper: ——
Pronounces: She/Her

"Brynn gets jealous when Berenice flirts with us, So when we got back Brynn cuddles us."
So like, I'm sorry if I won't post more efficiently, I have some stuff to worry about—- anyhow, enjoy!
Also, this will be done in Brynn's POV, cause why not


There she is... at it again, flirting with Y/N. Berenice has been flirting with Y/N for the pass 10 minutes now at least. Rubbing her cat ears on her neck. Placing her tail on her lap. God! Will she freaking stop?

Berenice has been going here more often than usual and it's getting freaking annoying! Okay, So what if she's my friend? She's obviously trying to steal Y/N away from me! Okay, I have no right to be thing freaking jealous, but hey! When you like someone, you start feeling things you're not suppose too.

Doesn't matter. She's making Y/N uncomfortable, and even it's bothering me. I crossed my arms, and covering my legs with my wings; looking away from the both of them. I suddenly feel a light tap on my shoulder. I turned my head to the direction of the tapping, only seeing Q. "What do you want?" I asked, in an annoyed tone. "Dude! you need to quit that." He scolded, crossing his arms.

"Quit what?" I questioned, leaning onto the sofa arms. "Doing that." He says, pointing at my hand. "You're obviously jealous, even the cat lady knows it!" He says, I look back at the pair, seeing Berenice looking back at me with a smug look. That little bi—- "She's only doing this to tease you, duh!" He scolded again, going up to me with an annoyed look. How many times is he gonna give me that freaking look?

I was basically flabbergasted. "The entire union knows that you like her, and it's a pain seeing you two interact." He says, as I lean in closer to his face. "Then what am I suppose to freaking do?" I said in a soft tone. "Well... confessing might be a good idea. Y'know?" HAHA... no. There is absolutely no way I'm going to confess to the most perfect girl I have ever seen in my entire li—-



What am I even doing here? Isn't this trespassing? If you ever need me, you could always go to my room, I'll be here more often than you think. Oh right, it isn't... I hear footsteps outside Y/N's room. Freak, that might be her. I could feel my heart beat faster, my palms start to sweat, and my face starting to warm up. I just got here.

The door slightly opened to reveal Y/N's face peeking through. "Oh! So it is you." I hear a sigh of relief coming from her. Then she mumbled something to herself. "Q told me you wanted to talk to me about something?" She says, going to sit right next to me on her bed.

"Y-yes...!" I say, feeling my face getting warmer. "I... wanted to say that... I have... likedyoueversinceyouinteractedwithmeandyou'rereallyniceandIthoughtthatmaybeyoulikedmeback." I say in a high pitched voice, before covering my mouth with both my hands. Face getting warmer. Palms sweating. My legs refusing to move. My eyes fixated on hers. What have I gotten myself into?

I hear a chuckle from her side. My eyes becoming wide eyed. "And I... like you too!" She says, giving me a tight hug, making the both of us fall on her bed. "I..." That was unexpected, but I love her response. I giggle at her actions, putting her to my side and cuddling her, just making sure that I'm the big spoon.

I don't know how lucky I got to have her in my arms, but I really don't care, cause I have her, and she has me... isn't that wonderful?

"I actually thought you were gonna kill Berenice by the way you looked at her." I hear her giggle. Well, I was about too.


"And that's how you get two people together!" I say, giving Drew a smug look, floating around him. "Let me get this straight mr. Q, you put them together, telling both of them to confess to each other, and watch it all happen." Drew says, looking at me, while Discboom was listening behind him. "Yep!"

"Well... that sure is one thing, well, you are Eros after all, so I guess it's not much of a shocker." Discboom says, turning away to sit on the couch. "And they ended up togetherrrr!" I say, continuing to grin like a small child finally having their first lego set.

"I actually enjoyed seeing the two interact." Drew says, making me stop grinning. "You did?" I questioned, earning a nod from Drew. "Well, I guess what I told her was a white lie." I say shrugging, opening my phone to just croll through some stuff.


Sorry if it sucks, I was in a bit of a hurry, since I had to write another story for a subject lololol—-
Anyway, what do you guys think of a story of Elmo betraying cookie monster and exploding a city?

anyway, if you want to request, comment in 000 /Requests open\ or message mee!
I'm trying to get better at writing


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