A/N: There it goes!

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You deserve a proper apology.

Dear reader,

I know this is sudden due to my most recent A/N, but
may this be my last chapter in this book. Before I officially close it. And now I'm leaving the fandom. I just wanna say that I have lost all my motivation to write, and I'm probably giving up on this book.

Anyhow, you have every right to leave this book, for it is no longer worth your time. Thank you for everyone's support, and I apologize that it had to end like this.

For lately, my interest slowly started to fade, and has moved to another. Moving on from this monstrosity is quite hard due to my failed attempts, that I hope to never recall ever. Although, it is possible to move on, it's just hard if you have some type of connection to whatever it is. Negative or Positive, it's all going to be a part of my memory.

And in my situation, it's a negative and a positive memory. I had fun writing and seeing everyone voting for my chapters and it motivated me. My failed attempts were negative but I managed to learn. I had great times writing and breaking my sleep schedule.

And I know I didn't get to write the chapters that I said I would. But I just couldn't. and I apologize for that. I hope, one day that you'll forgive me.

But my days of writing this book must end. Or it will take up my motivation, more and more.

Thank you, for everything, dear reader. It was truly fun writing for you all.

And I'm sure there's other stories that is worth you time. So please, leave this book as a bad memory from the past. And read better books.

This better be professional.

From the Author,

Warped DaydreamsWhere stories live. Discover now