010 || Sander || Angst/Fluff /GN\

172 8 10

Late Valentines Special
requester: @YoshaUchiha
Esper: ——
FIY: F/N = Friend's name
Pronounces: They/Them
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, pre-relationship, He confesses?!?!?!1??1?1

You and Sander's friendship has been going off lately... I wonder why...


You were walking around the Shadow decree. You were having your break, and currently looking for Sander to discuss about something.

Your friendship.

Lately, Sander has been more distant that usual. Especially in valentines day. You thought he was just planning on something, but, in the day of valentines, he never surprised you with anything. Not even flowers. Now that the day has passed, his distance towards you still continues, whilst his closeness to your friend, (F/N), started to strengthen.... why...?

You continue your search through the Shadow decree Headquarters. Once you entered the hallway, you noticed two familiar faces. There Sander stood across the hallway, talking with one of your friends, (F/N). "hm... well..." You overhear (F/N) talking to Sander. They've been hanging out more often lately... while yours with him has started to shorten... Why is he prioritizing your friend...?

Although you're not one who is known for eavesdropping on private conversations, but how could you not eavesdrop on this conversation?

"They enjoy quality time... I think—-" you overhear (F/N) say... who? who... who are they talking about? "I mean... they enjoy having you as a companion..." Who...? Is there... someone else he is accompanying with...? You held your heart close. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion.

There's someone else...? Is this... why...

"You enjoy their company too, right?"

"Yes." ... so simple. such a simple answer. So why did it hurt so much? Did he prefer this other person than you...? Is this why he's been so distant towards you...? "No..." You whisper to yourself "He would never..." but maybe he would.

No. You trust him, don't you? "They are... special to me." He added... what...? ... special...? who... how...? How did this person get to you first...? You thought it was you... didn't you? You hoped it was you. But it wasn't.

You went outside, and sat on top of a hill. The sun sets as clouds decorate the falling sky. Oh how you wish you could share these view with him. But he's clearly sharing it with someone else. You furrow your brows. Your eyes starts to feel wet. You lay yourself on the lush grass.

You feel this burden in your heart. Why won't it go away? Why won't he stay?

You continue to lay down on the grass, looking up on the sky as it continues to darken. There were times where you two would just sit down and enjoy each other's company. There were times where you were with each other's side, fighting the world in hopes of finding a place where you both belonged too.

The sky goes dark. Stars illuminating the sky. The cold wind lightly brush the grass; you shiver a little, but find comfort in the wind.

You hear footsteps coming closer. You sense that someone sat next to you. You look up, to see... Sander...?

"Oh. It's you." You say. "Yes. It is me." He replies, the cold air growing colder. "So... what are you doing here?" You say as you sit up, continuing to look afar. "I was looking for you." Oh? despite the cold wind, you feel your face starting to warm up. "Why?"

"I feel as if... I haven't been honest with you..." He began, you continue to look at the view, but your ears are listening to whatever he's about to say. "I know... that, I have been quite distant from you." He admits, so he knew... "It was on purpose...?" Your heart sinks at the thought... what did you ever do wrong...?


"Yes. That is... that is why I came here to talk to you." Your full attention is on him now. You move your head to look at him. Your eyes staring at each other, one with confusion, the other with conclusions. "It's... ever since valentines day... I have felt, strange things..."

Strange things...? like... "It made me question how I saw you... how I felt for you. It was strange... I liked the feeling, yet it made me nervous. Nervous around you. I didn't like that. I didn't like being nervous..." He takes a deep breath "So... I tried to avoid you, but each day, every time I do, I felt like something is shouting, scolding me for hurting you. Little my little. bit by bit. I felt incomplete."

"Each passing day, I didn't get to see you, because I was a coward. To face you myself." Sander looks away from you, and looks at the rising moon. "So, I asked for help. From your friend, F/N. She told me many things... on how to handle things like these... she told me to be straightforward. That, if I won't, then my point won't get to you."

"So... if you ever care to listen, Y/N... I like you. I like everything about you. From your personality, to your looks, to your attitude, to your eyes, to your lips... everything... Your eyes glisten like the stars... stars that I would love to stare and admire all day. Your hair is as soft as the wind in paradise." You feel your face grow warmer. Wha—-

"I wish I could say to you this: you are my paradise, Y/N, and I'd like to be with you for as long as I can." He says, looking into your eyes with determination. You sat there, completely speechless... SAY SOMETHING—- He sighs, looking down on the ground. "It doesn't matter whether reciprocate my feelings or not... Not everyone can take care of a garden... but I simply wish that our friendship does not change... it is important to me."

"Uhm... yes—-" He looks at you, with a hopeful smile "What? Yes to what...?" He asks you "Yes to uhm... your uh... confession—-" You say, your face burning red. He smiles, then chuckles. "You're adorable... you know that?" He added, admiring you. "Uhm—- I think you're cuter—-"


"Do you have evidence to prove that statement of yours?" He says with a playful smirk "Oh yes I do...!"

And so, you and Sander sat on a hill. Exchanging laughs and chuckles. Content with each other for as long as this moment will last. The stars illuminate the night sky, shimmering at the laughs that has come from the voices of those who are out to find where they truly belong...

You belonged there. Safe and content.


A random shadow guard looks over at the new found partners, with awe "Wow... that took really long... like a long time..." He says to himself. "Yeah..." F/N says "I kinda expected Sander to say a paragraph, but... that sure was... long—-" Your friend commented, looking at the random shadow guard. "Yeah..." The random shadow guard agrees.

"When will it be our turn." They both say in sync.

"Probably never, but it's fun to hope for it." The random shadow guard replies. Looking back at the pair, who were laughing and smiling at each other.


Was it goooodddd? I dunno man, I feel kinda rusty at the moment... I just hope that it's good ;-;


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