008 || Tang Yun || FLUFF /GN\

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Remind me of the memories

Requester: MangoTvTChild
Esper: ----
Pronounce: They/Them

So, you just recalled a memory to help him sleep. BUT HE JUST WONT SLEEEEP



You were currently outside, doing your usual route with Tang yun... except it's not with Tang yun. Lately, he hasn't been able to join you.

You finished off the last Miramon near the gates. You were about to finish your shift for the night, until Leon came. "Y/N, I need a favor." He states, you stopped. Looking at him with a raised brow "And that is...?" You ask, crossing your arms.

"I need you to check up on Tang Yun." He states, you say nothing and nod. "You're not going to ask why?" he questions, "No, I've been meaning to check up on him." You answer, he nods "I see... he has been extremely tired lately."

"I guess you are correct..." You say with a sigh. Recalling to your last shift with him.

Tang yun has been... well... Zoning out whilst still in his shift. Almost passing out mid battle. Sleeping at the most arbitrarily of places. Almost as if he's Jacob in disguise.

One time, when both of you were finally done with your shifts. He joined you to your room. Where you talked, and talked, and maybe ate some hidden snacks that you kept. Somewhere in your room.

Then, all of a sudden, he collapsed on your bed. Worried that you'll disturb his sleep. You slept on the floor.  

Shaking your head , you look at Leon "I shouldn't stay here for too long, I'll start looking for him." You say, walking past Leon.

As you start looking for Tang yun. Inside and outside of the HQ, he was nowhere to be found. "If I were Yun, where would I go...?" You mumbled to yourself.

You were staring at the grassy area outside. You look to your side, seeing the corner of the building with ears poking out. You narrow you eye, as your eyebrows furrow.

Ears poking out? Why would Ears poke out of a corner? Your eyes widen. "Yun?! are you there?!" You yell, jogging your way to the corner. There he sat, his legs close to him; head buried on his knees.

Your expression softens "Are you okay...?" You mumbled, sitting crisscrossed next to him. Leaning onto the wall, you gave him a pat on the shoulder.

He raises his head, looking at you with a gloomy expression. He stares at you for a while, before burying his head on his knees once more. "Are you tired?" You asked, continuing to pat his back.

He nods, you nod as well. You bring him closer to you, making him lean on you. "rest on me, you need it after all." You say, positioning him on you lap. As he lays on your lap, you began to wait for him to sleep.

He shifts his positions. Letting his side lay on you. You sigh, looking at his hair, trying to resist patting it, heck even trying to mess it. You chuckle at the thought, remembering the time that you did. Well... attempted.

You and Yun were sitting on the ground. Keeping an eye on the gates. "So... how's work...?" You ask, attempting to start a conversation. "It's okay." He replied, looking at you. Then looking back at the gates.

You looked at his hair, then to his face. Then back to his hair 'It looks so... nice' You thought. You moved yourself closer to him. He looks back at you confused. "What?" He asks, tilting his head.

"Nothing." You simply replied. Once he averts his gaze off you. You lift your hand above his head. You were about to touch his hair until it was stopped by a hand. That hand being Yun's.

Looking back at it, it was really awkward, knowing that you didn't know each other THAT well...

"Hey, remember that time I tried to touch you hair?" You ask. He lifts his head up, looking at you. "Yes, I do." He replied, continuing to stare at you. "Well... what did you think of me back then?" You ask, slightly tilting your head to the side.

"I disliked you, that time." He mumbled. You chuckled at this "That's... understandable, but I am quite hurt." You say with a sigh, looking forward at the dark sky. You felt a light touch on your hand. You look on you hand to see his on top of yours.

"I'm sorry..." He whispers, loud enough for you to hear. "No need to be sorry, I would disliked someone if they tried to invade my boundaries." You responded with a chuckle. 

"I've always found it weird how you laugh at everything." 

Your smile drops, as you stare at him. "No! I use too! I swear!" He cries out. Instantly turning, his back now laying on the ground. You giggle at him. "Hoy, I'm only joking." You say whilst still giggling. "I'm not trying to kill you."

--(A few minutes has passed... he's still not asleep.)--

"Why aren't you sleeping yet?" You questioned, looking at him. "I can't sleep..." He mumbles, taking both your hands, and bringing it close to him. 

"You want a kiss?" You ask him with a straight face. You feel him freeze in his spot. His face suddenly getting warm. You see him utter a response. "What? I can't hear you." You say, continuing to look at him.

"You can't just... ask that." He mumbles, trying to burry his face on your hands. "Isn't that what people do? Like they give you kiss, then you sleep." You ask. He separates your hands to look at you, before merging them together again.

"That's what parents do... but it doesn't fit with our situation!" He exclaims "Oh... Then just pretend I'm your parent then!" You concluded, trying to look at his through your hands. "No...! I... see you as something else..." He mumbles.

"What's the something else?" You ask, no response. "Yun? Hoy, wake up." You say, nudging him, but still... no response. "Yun... please answer me." You begged, but still, no reply. "I know you're not ACTUALLY asleep... right...?" You sighed. 

He's asleep now... huh? He fell asleep when you were curious. Maybe you can ask him when he wakes up. 

"Too late I'm asleep now." 

"Yun! You are awake!"


I apologies for not posting these past 9 days. I was attempting to write a lime, but epically (and incredibly failed) So I wrote this instead. Thank you for the requests, even though I don't post too often.

Okay cool, that's all, have a nice day or night, or afternoon!



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