005 || Li Ling || Fluff w/ little lime/Fem\

668 12 22


Requester: @Panta_freak
Esper: ——
Pronounce: She/Her

Your first date with Li Ling!

sadly, all I'm ever good at, is fluff...


You were climbing up the hill to see your date. 'man... why does it have to be up here?' you thought, continuing to climb—- you were holding a picnic basket. 'I mean, this is our first date, so it should be special!' you thought again, you look up to see that you were close at the top. 'Does first dates usually go like this?'

Finally, you reached the top, where a tree stood. You looked beside the tree, seeing your date. 'Oh my! he didn't ditch me after all! wait what?' You thought, walking to his side, where a neatly placed picnic mat laid on the grass. "Hey Ling!" You exclaim, catching his attention.

"Oh hey!" He responded, patting the spot right next to him. You placed the picnic basket right next to the tree, before sitting next to him. "So... now what?" You asked, tilting your head while looking at him. "I actually don't know." You looked at him dumbfounded.

"I've never been in a date before, so I tried it make it special." He reveals, looking at you with an awkward smile. "what?" He questions, looking at you dead in the eye. His smile turning into a slight frown.


"Ling! Do not ruin the mood." You scolded, hitting him gently on the shoulder. "What mood?" he asks with a smirk. This was hopeless... "Never mind..." You say with a sigh.

"So, how long have you been waiting for me?" You ask, looking at him. His eyes avert to the view; the area is covered by grassy hills with a few trees standing. "Not too long actually." He answers, a comfortable silence surrounding the both of you.

"So... should we eat now?" you asked "or should we continue to look at grassy bulge-" You suggested, earning a laugh from him. "Y/N! I didn't know that side of you existed." He says with a chuckle. "You learn something every day, am I right?" You grinned, leaning against him.

Your face suddenly became serious. "Ling, you already know that." You pointed out. He looked at you dead in the eye, saying "Yeah, but I'm trying to carry the conversation."

"Nice try, but sadly my back is more crooked due to my ability to carry any conversation."

"Yeah sure... whatever helps you sleep at night." He chuckled, letting you head rest on his shoulder. "This is kinda turning into a hangout instead of a date." You whispered, hopefully loud enough for him to hear. "So... what are we supposed to do then?" He asks, whispering back.

"Well..." You mumbled, furrowing your eyebrows. What do partners do in a date?




"Now, open wide." You say, holding a spoon near his closed mouth. "ahhhhh!" You say extending it even further; the spoon still hovering near his mouth. He pouted, so you started to poke his mouth with the spoon. "Look Y/N that might be my favorite, but I am not... " his words trailed off as you gave him the 'puppy eyes' look.

You hear a sigh from him; he opened his mouth slowly, you put the spoon inside, then removing the spoon from his mouth after he started chewing. "You're adorable Ling..." You say, smiling at him.

His eyes widen, with a tint of pink forming on his cheeks. Your eyes widen; a grin forming on your face. "Ling! You're blushing!" You exclaimed. "uh..." he mumbles. Suddenly you gasp from a thought. "Wait! I have to picture this!" You exclaimed, trying to take your phone from the picnic basket. But you then got pulled from behind.

You yelp, feeling soft hair on your shoulder. You looked at your side, seeing Li Ling's head buried on the crook of your neck. "No." He muffled, continuing to hug you tightly. You got on your knees so you could get more space to turn, you struggled but you still managed to turn. Once you turned, you hugged him back. You both stayed like this for a while, until he lifts his head up.

His eyes looked at yours, then to your lips, then back to your eyes. You raised a brow "What?" You asked "Nothing." He replies, continuing to stare.


"Did I ever mention how beautiful you are?" He whispers; you could feel your face getting warmer. "w-what...?" you stuttered out. "I'm just saying, you're beautiful." He says, smiling at you. You cleared your throat "well... uhm..." you looked away as your face gets warmer.

"I haven't... haven't I?"

"Well you just did, so I think you did."

You hear a chuckle, you turn to look at him, your eyebrows furrowed. "C'mere, give me a kiss..." He says; you hesitantly leaned in, giving him a quick peck. His face turning into disappointment. "That's all?" He asks, looking at you with a exaggerated frown.


"Can I get more...?"

"Maybe..." You say with a small smirk, before chuckling "Of course you'll get more!" You say with a warm face. He smiles—- you lean onto him, pressing both of your lips together. His soft lips touching your own. Your lips moved, continuing to press on each other's lips. His hands traveling to your head as you grip his hair.

He licked your lips, causing you to gasp, pulling away as your face gets warmer and warmer. "Ling!" You shout, covering your mouth then turning away. You hear him chuckle "The things you do to me."

That's completely unrelated.


I may have enough braincells to understand math, but I don't have enough to process what I just wrote—-
Anyway, funny story, there was this lizard that my classmates found in the classroom, and everyone started to freak out, while one student named it Alberto. Everyone was freaking out saying to get rid of it or something like that, then they suddenly were like "No, let's not."
So anyway, Alberto managed to get his own fan club in the span of a few minutes.

Then he died... RIP Alberto... you will be missed...


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