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"I love you ..."









"I ... I'm sorry."










"I am alright, just a little bit drowsy, nothing to worry about"






" I heard that Celestia is not happy with that nation without a god..."





"What a beautiful night to give people dreams..."





"I promise that I just need sleep, that's all!!"




"Don't worry about it. We need to stay focus"





"I feel so tired these days..."






"Y/N please ..."


Jolting awake after a really weird dream, or should say memories? ... No matter. After finally awaking, she sat on the mattress 

"What happened?" - The girl murmurs to herself, still not full awake and scratching her eyes, and after finally waking up she asks for no one in particular:

"What? Where am I?" Quietly getting up and almost falling on the floor miserably.

"My legs aren't working as they should..." She thinks while getting up and walking out of the place

"Ohhh, I'm in Cloudy's place, but why? All I remember was that-" Her track of thoughts stopped as soon as a lady with white hair and light purple eyes came into view.

Adepti Love  (unfinished first version)Where stories live. Discover now