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I feel like I should rewrite the end of chapter seven yet I'm too lazy to do so, I mean I could really do a better job writing what happen yet I decided to just compress all... well, It is what it is.

I'm not really sure how this story will go, I just know how is going to end so yeah.



Chongyun heard about some evil spirits running around Wuwang Hill again, and this time he was 100¨% sure of it, the rumors were very much talked

- "Ummm, excuse me? A-are you alright?" - Asked the blue haired boy, but to his dismay as soon as he asked that the girl in front of him collapsed crying even more, making the poor young boy panic.

- "I JuST DonT UndErsTand wHY-" She tried to talk in her cries

- "H-hey it's okay don't worry, just cry it all out. We can talk once you feel better! and uhhh- here! Have a popsicle!" - the light blue haired boy shoved a popsicle in her hands, which made her stop crying that hard.

It passed some time and Y/N calmed down a little, some tears still running from her eyes but she can't talk now.



- "So what are you doing here? and what exactly are you?" - Asked Chongyun

- "I think I should be the one asking what is a human doing here?" - Y/N asked him as her answer

- "Well, I heard some rumors that there was a spirit causing problems around here so I went to check, and I thought it was you but you don't seem like a spirit... Oh don't get it wrong, it is a good thing you aren't, it just makes me a bit upset, but it has nothing to do with you. And you haven't answered my questions..." - He spoke

- "I guess I forgot to camouflage my aura with all these emotional things happening to me... Well I'm here because I wished to be far away from someone... and as for what I am, well you can say that I'm a divine beast or so you know? an adepti." - she answered honestly, it is not like she could try to lie in a moment like this.

Well that was a lot to take in for Chongyun, he didn't know how to respond. Had he seen an adepti before? Yes, Yanfei is an adepti, an half adepti just like Ganyu; but to find a adepti like this? thats a first for him.

- "I still did not get your name tho...?" - She sniffed a little, her tears already stopped falling by now and she just had a runny nose.

- "Oh right. I'm Chongyun and I am an exorcist. May I know what title you go by?" - Chongyun spoke, also curious to know what adepti she is, since there is so many stories about all types of adepti he surely may know something about her.

- "O-oh, I am- was known as the "Protector of dreams" or "Creator of hope" among humans back in my days... But I don't like people calling me that, so you may call me just Y/N." - she said sniffing at the end, she was now 100% calmer, and for her answer almost seemed like she knew what the boy was thinking, because he did not know who she was.

- " I never heard about an adepti called Protector of Dreams before..." - as soon that he said those words she started to sulk again, which made the boy panic again.

- "I-i don't mean it in a bad way!! I'm sure there is someone that knows who you are-" He started saying and she started laughing a little.

- "No no it's ok, it's not. I just hoped that someone remembered who I am, but it's not unexpected. I ... I've been away for a really really long time now, it is only natural that humans forget about my existence with time." - she told, which relieved the boy, the popsicle that he gave to her was already finished by now too.

Adepti Love  (unfinished first version)Where stories live. Discover now