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"Uhhh, chongyun... is this safe?" - Y/N asked, looking around the old house they're inside, she was clearly a bit concerned and scared, the house was in the middle of nowhere.

"I would be more concerned if this place looked entirely normal." - Chongyun was unfazed and continued walking. He was silent for a while, as he carefully inspected the place for signs of danger. He had a serious expression on his face, and his eyes were fixed ahead; there was no way to tell if he was joking or not.

"hahaha... ha" - She 'laughs' worried, looking around. she didn't need to fear, as she knew nothing would happen... She just didn't like the feeling of being inside that house.

"what are we looking for again?" - She asked looking around the house, she wasn't scared, she just got bad vibes from this place.

Chongyun looked over at Meiying. His gaze was empty... as if he were in a trance as he spoke in a monotone, emotionless voice.

"We follow the location where Xingqiu wrote for me to come have a look, and then we perform the purification ritual as needed...We need to find the spirit first." - He took a deep breath, as if shaking himself out of his trance. His expression was slightly puzzled, as he looked over at Meiying.

"Wait... you aren't scared, are you?" - He asks looking at Meiying waiting for her response

"Of course I don't." she says "this place just gives me bad vibes." - Y/N explains as she tails him everywhere he walks

"...Ah, I see." - Chongyun said with a small grin. He looked back over at Y/N and his expression became more relaxed.

"Are there any particular parts of this place that seem unsettling to you? I will check them out in a moment, but I would like to better understand your situation..." - He spoke in a much more gentle tone than before, clearly making an effort to put Meiying more at ease.

"I can't feel it, because of your yin energy.But there is something odd about this place" - she says looking around once more, and she finds a old book on a top of a table, she didn't say anything and her silence made him turn around and look at her.

Chongyun seemed to sense Y/N's unease, as he stepped closer to her. He gently put his hand on her shoulder as he looked over at the book that she was staring at.

"Is this the source of the unusual energy that you sensed?" - The corners of his mouth twitched slightly as he spoke. Though his expression was one of curiosity, he seemed to be suppressing a small smile as he looked over at Meiying with his sparkling blue eyes. He seemed genuinely interested and excited to see her reaction.

"this book..." - she mumbles holding it, and showing him the title, which was almost impossible to read

"The Dream Flower's Lullaby.... That's... It's a children's book." - Y/N says showing him

"This book... this book is about me."  she looked at him, Chongyun blinked twice in a rather exaggerated manner, as he looked down to read the title.

"Hm... The Dream Flower's Lullaby? Are you sure?"  He glanced up at Meiying, clearly puzzled; he then took a quick peek at what appeared to be the contents of the book for a moment before looking back up and meeting her gaze.

He tilted his head slightly to the side, looking at Y/N with an expression of curiosity; his expression was neutral and his tone was sincere, it was common to have stories about the adepti, but still weird, since no one knew or heard about her.

Adepti Love  (unfinished first version)Where stories live. Discover now