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- "Rex Lapis?" - Asked Xiao

- "*ahem* you know well that I do not want to be called as such no longer. Please call me Zhongli." - Corrected the man

- "Ah yes, of course. My apologies" - Xiao said embarrassed.

- "I came here to give you your medicine, so I decided to personally give it to you." - Zhongli said, taking a small package with the medicine inside of it.

- "Oh... Thank you." - Responded Xiao taking the package



- "Is there something wrong Xiao?" - Asked

- "..." - he needed to ask because that was his chance to talk about it, but he couldn't bring himself to mutter a word.

- "Ah. I see. So this is about Meiying." - Zhongli said, and the moment that he said her name, Xiao's body stiffed, making the guess that Zhongli was correct.

Chuckling at his reaction, making Xiao a bit more embarrassed, he decided to hear what the "young adepti" had to say.

- "would you like to talk about it? I heard that she was back." - he smiled a little to ease the other adepti's heart.



- "I see..." - answered Zhongli, to pull more embarrassment on the poor boy in front of him

- "So now you feel off about her apologizing for her behavior yet you are the one who told her all this time that you found it annoying, and now that she no longer wants to live as an adepti you felt even more off?" - Zhongli resumed the speech that it was very hard for Xiao to say.

Nodding in agreement with the words that the formal Archon said, admitting all of those things made him feel a bit shy.

- "And what do you think you should do in this situation?" - Asked Zhongli

- "..." - Xiao didn't responded, sighing for the lack of response Zhongli continued:

- "I think it is too late to inform you about this... I should have explained from the beginning for both of you. Maybe all of this was my mistake." -

- "I disagree. This matter in hand happened because of my wrong doing." - Xiao was quick to respond.

- "No Xiao... If I had told you beforehand about you and Y/N, things would be different." - He shaked his head.

Sighing again, he took a breath moment to think how he should start explaining.

- "You hurt Y/N because you want to." - Zhongli decided to be direct on this one

... "... what?" -

- "You see Xiao, everytime you say you do not want her around and deny her presence, subconsciously, you make her sicker." - Zhongli continued, sighing once more at the silence that Xiao was providing

- "You both are connected to each other in a way, her past duty was to protect dreams... Making sure that everyone had a good night of sleep, and you... well you had the other part of the job." -

No words were coming out of his mouth... So the reason why you were hurt now wasn't because of his karmic debt? But because "he chose" to hurt you?

Adepti Love  (unfinished first version)Where stories live. Discover now