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Months before she woke up... (close to a Lantern rite)




The sun was going to come out at any time at this point, and Xiao was awake still looking at the horizon. Wangshu Inn has quite the view, but for Xiao it wasn't that impressive anymore.

"What if things were different? ... Would she have not cried her heart out? Would she be here by my side, foolishly smiling? Would she never have fallen ill? Would I be happy? .... ẆṏṳḶḊ Ṡḧḕ ṠṮḭḶḶ ḃḕ ḀẇḀḲḕ?" - His head hurted, all these voices, all these thoughts were haunting him awake.

"You know that this is all your fault."


"Remember how many times she helped and cared for you?"


"Look what you've done!"


"She will never wake up."


"You are the only one to blame."


"the ammount of times that she said >that< to you.."


He couldn't hold it anymore, that was pure torture...

...but then again, doesn't he deserve that punishment?

Involuntary memories started to flood his mind

"XIAO, are you ok? Are you hurt? Why didn't you tell me where you were going?" Asked Y/N worried, holding xiao's head with both hands

"Why are you like this?" Asked an annoyed Xiao while forcefully taking her hands out of his face, with that, she awkwardly put her hands down.

"Like what?" She asked

"Annoying, persistent and horribly irritating. Could you stop?" He told her as if it was nothing. Of course she didn't showed that those words hurted her, with a frown she responded:

"Who are you talking to? You are a stubborn shitty guy, it pisses me off all the time. A little bit of help here and there is always good for you." After that she give a big smile saying, interrupting him before he could speak up:

"And of course I do this because I care about you, in fact. I love you"


"Oh come onnnnn, one day I will get you to say it back hehe~~"






The scenario was perfect, a cloudless night. All the stars shining in the sky, crickets playing their accordion and fireflies lighting up the place. A place perfect for lovers to meet.

Adepti Love  (unfinished first version)Where stories live. Discover now