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So it was so hard to write this chapter for some reason... It was so sus honestly. I'm just happy that I could come up with something good enough for you all.... BUT THE NEXT CHAPTER IS *CHEF KISS* I wrote the chapter 7 before chapter 6 because chapter 7 was gonna be chapter 6 but something came into my mind so yeah.

enjoy the reading



After Xiao left Y/N with Cloud Retainer, he decided to just drop the matter. He was the one that said those mean things to her everyday, and he was the one who brought this to himself, and he prefers that way. He doesn't "love" Y/N.

It has been at least three days or so since he left Y/N at Mt. Aocang, and all his thoughts come back to her, if it wasn't annoying before, now it is. Things can't continue like this, it was starting to be very difficult to focus.

Sighing, he decided that once an opportunity comes he will apologize for her, yeah maybe he will feel better after that. But to begin with, he doesn't even know why he is feeling so awkward towards her, he should not feel that way (he thinks) well of course that some things happen between them that they weren't resolved, but was it that bad to the point where he feels so irritated with the awkwardness??

Even if he doesn't understand why, he feels like he needs to apologize so that's what he will do. yeah, that is the right thing.

"Why do you keep coming back to my mind?" - She being again in his mind, he just finished slaughtering some demons, even in a moment like that he still thinks about her.

Is it her vividly E/C eyes?

Maybe it's that shiny H/C hair that looks just as fluffy as a cloud?

The way her eyes shine every time she talks about something she loves?

Or is it because he always feels less heavy around her? Since she drains all his karmic debt everytime.

Or her lips that look--- Okay that's enough. He really. really shouldn't be thinking like this about an acquaintance, let it be that this "acquaintance" is a somewhat work partner.

"Work Partner"

- "what a joke." - he said to himself finally leaving the same place where he killed those who would bring disorder to the peace.

He knows pretty well that he was the one in fault when she fell ill, especially why she "fainted" after that battle.

Now finally back at Wangshu Inn, he stayed there, waiting for the moment that evil were to be a threat again. His head was kinda hurting and the voices were non stop, as always, his body felt pain but after years of this, it was nothing to him.

- "One day, you might hurt her too... again" - his voice spoke

- "I know, that's the reason why I'll stay out of the way" - He retorted to his voice.

- You will do it again. I know you damn well"

- "Of course you do."

- "She might hate you now. pretty sure she does"

Adepti Love  (unfinished first version)Where stories live. Discover now