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Okay I lied, I'm thinking about adding the Traveler.  I'm sorry for taking too long to post, and the mistakes and not making sense phrases. Please notify me when this happens ^^

I'm honestly not feeling the sparkles in this chapter but oh well.


Back to where we stopped




Both of them didn't talk for quite awhile, almost as if both of them were processing the "new" information...

- " Oh... Yeah that is a pretty long time to say the least. Wow 500 years... is just, WOW" - The said girl told herself, awhile her and Xiao's mind flooded with memories

- 'So this is the amount of time that I need to heal myself on my own without my realm.' -  Y/N mumbled quietly, but Xiao wasn't paying attention to her, he was lost in his own mind right now.

After a while of just looking at the horizon and thinking, both didn't know what to say and the atmosphere soon became awkward.

- "Huhh~~ AH! yes yes, we should start walking again. Cloud Retainer is probably waiting for us" - Y/N told the man who just nodded, the awkwardness still present.

'What am I like this ...'  Y/N thought to herself.

That walk wasn't a pleasant one, but none of those two really cared. At some point they were immersed by their own thoughts.


- One apologizes for not talking about Y/N's problem sooner, but one shall say that I couldn't talk about her situation... It was very overwhelming for one to talk about such matters. - Cloud Retainer apologized.

- It's ok master, don't worry about it much. - Shenhe responded

Shenhe learned about Y/N's case with great details. Even she saw how tragic and overwhelming that was, even for her...


- Cloud retainer, I'm here with Adeptus Y/N. - said xiao outside the portal of Cloud's domain

Y/N honestly didn't even notice that they were now back, she was just thinking too much about things.

- Yes, please enter Conqueror of Demons and Somnia Protector, one was waiting to see you, especially Y/N. - Said Cloud Retainer with a strong voice

- Hehehe - a humorless laugh was her response, she was quite embarrassed to say the least.

- You should not be laughing Y/N. One hates to admit... One was really worried about you, and you could say that one was also missing your presence... - Cloud Retainer finished her sentence in almost a whisper, she said herself, she hates to admit.

- Aww Cloudyyyy, I'm sorry for leaving without speaking to you first, it was very rude and foolish. I'm here now aren't I? I'm feeling a lot better now, I'm going to be fine, I also missed you Cloudy. - Said Y/N smiling sweetly at Cloud Retainer

- Should I hug you now?

- Absolutely not.

- A. okay :(




Xiao and Shenhe were just there, witnessing that moment. Shenhe was quite interested in the interaction, since she never saw a entire adeptus this energetic, on the other hand Xiao was just standing awkwardly (just like the walk) he was still thinking about the relationship he have with Y/N and seeing her act normal around Cloud Retainer just made it clear that he is the problem.

Adepti Love  (unfinished first version)Where stories live. Discover now