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(this song inspired me to write this part, the whole reason why I decided to write this story)










- It's been so long since the last time we met each other here. - Smiling at the horizon she heard steps coming closer and closer to her.

He didn't respond, he just got and sat on the bench beside her, almost enjoying her company.

- Still not talking... - she whispered to herself

- We shouldn't get involved with each other. - Was the only thing that he said, getting up and leaving.

- Wha- Xiao wait-

But he didn't, despairing in the air and now she was alone again. It's been months since the last time they have a proper conversation, it isn't like he wanted to spend time with her, but she is very persistent.



Even after that, she still goes to their "special" place, at least for her, it was their special place.

A big sandbearer tree with a swing and a stone bench, the view was breathtaking, every sunset made the place shine like gold. She loved that place, the eyes of the one that she loves the most shines just like that place.

Sitting on the swing alone, watching another sunset, a memory spread on her mind.

"Will you ever be mine? - ???

"I will always be yours, forever and ever, in this lifetime and beyond" - ???"

Such sweet words that will never happen... It hurts her badly. Every night she cries her heart out thinking about how much she wanted that "memory" to happen.

Was it something she said? That must have been it, of course it was that. If it wasn't, it wouldn't have changed the course of that lifetime, if not, it would be him declaring the immensity of love he carries for her, not the other way around.

What is she supposed to do? knowing that in a dimension, she is happy with the man that she loves.

Once again, the sun had set, and her eyes once again began to shed tears of unwanted romance. It's not like she didn't want to, it was him, she was doing all for him. So if he doesn't want to, she also doesn't want to. But that made her lungs ache, breathing was hard, opening her eyes was hard, GOSH even trying to stay calm was hard at that point.

Violent coughs came out of her mouth, now it was really hard to breath, falling off the swing, supporting herself with her hands she tried to get up, but to no avail, falling again with her face right in the grass, still coughing, she fainted in that same place she love the most.

Adepti Love  (unfinished first version)Where stories live. Discover now