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Y/N has been working as a somewhat handyman, she got the job in the restaurant, but she only works in the morning there, on the rest of the day she sometimes get some commissions on the adventures guild or even just works at the docks helping with loading or unloading, with the amount of money that she had she found it an apartment good enough for her, she paying a fair price as down payment (that's what Xingqiu told her) and having a also fair amount to pay for month.

It's not like the restaurant doesn't pay her enough, it's more like she wants to occupy her time as much as she can, she doesn't want her mind playing tricks on her.

- "wait? Yaoyao? SO you are the Adepti that she told me about!!! Man I would not have clicked if you hadn't told me" - Xiangling spoke

- "Yeah hahaha~~ I actually did not want humans acknowledging my existence as an adepti, but I guess I don't mind some people knowing it." - she responded

- "So that's why you did not let me finish talking that day." - Chongyun said

- "OH! OH! Yaoyao said you have some AMAZING stories that you told her and the others there! She also told me that you have a pixie(?) that helps you with some chores from time to time! What is its name??" - Xiangling ignored Chongyun's comment

- "Ooohh yes! I do have my little helper Buut. I no longer have her with me, I lost her a long time ago, I only told stories of her aand she also did not have a name, I called her pixie. She helped me heal people back in the day." - Y/N explained

- "So you don't know were "she" is now?" - asked Xingqiu

- "She is probably in my realm, I hope she is doing fine." - Y/N expressed

- "Your realm?" - Chongyun asked

- "indeed. Every adepti has the power to create abodes, I had my own." -

- "Can you show us?" - Xiangling was now curious

- "W-well, some things happen and oh I feel a bit uncomfortable talking about it..." -

- "O-ohh is fine, don't push yourself. you don't have to tell us what happened" - Xiangling assured

- "Thank you" - Meiying said smiling a bit

- "Now, it is almost time to open the restaurant up! Let's finish making these dumplings!" - Xiangling clapped her hands, while Meiying nodded.

- "Me and Chongyun will be going now. Have a good day you too" - Xingqiu said, waving a little bit.

- "Byee" - Xiangling answered.

This life was so much more... Vivid and amazing. So many new experiences and people. Who would have thought that humans had such an interesting life.

After her shift in the restaurant was over, she went home to take a quick shower and get ready to go help in the harbor. Some man there was talking about a big purchase that someone made that will arrive tomorrow (that is today), and of course she signed her up once she heard the news.

It was already noon, she was already halfway to the docks, when she heard Xingqiu calling her from the back.

- "My liege wait a moment." - He spoke

- "What's wrong?" - Y/N turned to face him

- "After our conversation this morning I decided to look for at least a book written about you." - Xingqiu explained, Y/N didn't say a word urging the other to continue

Adepti Love  (unfinished first version)Where stories live. Discover now