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This chapter is extra long for you all. I was gonna to splitting the chapter in two, but I decided not to because yumyum big chapter.  IT WAS SO EASIER TO WRITE THIS ONE THEN THE OTHER???? AND FOR WHAT??? *ahem* I know most of you don't read those notes so I usually just use to express my emotions while I'm editing everything haha. 

Please vote if you like the story ^^ 

Enjoy your reading






It was hard to think. So Y/N decided that she wasn't going to do that. Especially because Xiao was one of the main reasons why she felt so awkward nowadays. She knows that she made promises not to talk about it again and respect his boundaries, so that's what she is going to do.

But... The way he looked at her once he found her- Nononono. Bad brain. Bad brain.

But the way his eyes widened and softened when he saw you, that you were alive and healthy. His pupils getting bigger as if- oH GOsh PLeaSe-

The way that his lips started to tremble as if he was trying his best to conceal all his feelings of relief and the urge to hug you- Shhh Brain. We can't think like that! We must get over this.

Some days passed, and Y/N was taking her time to heal, and she spent most of her time in the mountains or in Cloud Retainer Abode. Xiao never visited again after he dropped her there, but she understands, it is too awkward between the two of them right now.

"Only time will make us less awkward now." - she thinks

It has been really not so long but, like Y/N told Cloud Retainer many times, she wasn't really that injured, she just needed somewhere to stay for some time, but now she was more than ready to find her "new you".

After staying at Cloudy's realm and resting for a good amount of time (in her view) She got her things and started her journey to her new life. She is scared, excited, happy and curious about what the future brings to her.

Ever since she made her mind about her "relationship" with Xiao, she felt so lively and distressed. That surely meant that she was doing the right thing. "Once I get to feel confident in my new life I'll go after him and tell him to not worry. Telling him now seems a bit..." She thought. It's not like she didn't want to tell him right now, it's more like she doesn't have the courage to do so right now.

Walking her way out of the mountains, she remembered Cloud Retainer telling her about Qingce Village, she suggested that instead of going straight to live in the city, it would be better to spend a few days in something smaller to get used to it, Y/N was considerate of this idea, it wasn't bad.

It has been at least a month since she moved to Qingce Village, the old lady Granny Ruoxin welcomed Y/N with open arms, there she met Yaoyao who she learned was one of apprentice of Streetward Rambler. Yaoyao in return was very happy to meet a new adepti.

Y/N found a job with Yaoyao's parents, taking care of medicinal herbs with them. She didn't exactly make much mora with that, because she just wanted experience with "human work", but Yaoyao's parents learned that Y/N planned to move to the city and insisted on paying at least some amount so she can pay her future house or start something in the Harbor. Both of them teached her about how to save and spend money, and other basic things of life.

Adepti Love  (unfinished first version)Where stories live. Discover now