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*i have no idea what I'm doing, pls don't hate me I usually only write band fics so this is new to me.... Yikes*

"Shit, shit, shit, shit!" I pace my room, running my fingers through my hair. The stress of the situation getting to me. I raise my shaking hands to my head and sit on the edge of my bed, my phone starts ringing beside me and I look down to see "Ty Ty" across the screen. I pick it up and hit answer.

"Harley?" My best friend's voice comes through and I almost break down and cry.

"Hey Ty, what's up?" My voice cracks and I mutter a profanity under my breath.

"Are you crying?" He asks and I shake my head and mumble out a no.

"I'm okay Tyler, really." I say and I can picture him rolling his eyes at me.

"I'll be there in ten minutes." He says and hangs up quickly before I can protest. I drop my phone and rush to the bathroom, my eyes are red and puffy from crying and I splash water on my face.

I wipe off my make up and apply a new layer of foundation and mascara to my face and I look a bit better. I'm finishing up with fixing my hair when I hear footsteps on the stairs.

"Harley?" Tyler calls from my bedroom and I quickly pull my hair back into a pony tail before exiting the bathroom.

"Hi Tyl-" I stop as I realize what Tyler is holding in his hand.

"H, what is this?" He looks up at me and I feel like puking and crying at the same time.

"I can explain Ty, please just sit okay?"

"Is this why you were crying? Is that why you've been so weird around me lately?"

"I wasn't sure." I take the paper from his hand and put it under my pillow.

"Wasn't sure of what?"

"If I was or not." I mumble and Tyler takes my hands in his, pulling me into his chest.

"Do your parents know?" He asks and I shake my head, "We can tell them together."

"Tyler, I'm scared of what will happen. We're barely eighteen, your hockey and my softball is going to be ruined if we can't figure this out."

"It's going to be fine H, don't worry."

"It was just one mistake Ty. We were so drunk, how did this happen? We can't do this now, what are we supposed to do?" A few tears fall down my face and Tyler leans over to wipe them away.

"Shush, it's okay. We'll figure it out in time Harley, let's just figure out how to tell our parents okay? As for our sports, it'll all work out and we can do this." Tyler being the voice of reason in our problems, like always. I nod and lean closer into him, his arms tighten around my shoulders and he kisses the top of my head.

"I need sleep, I've been up for weeks worrying about this." I mumble and Tyler pulls me closer.

"Come on, we'll take a nap and figure this out later."

"Okay, thanks Ty." I lay down and snuggle under the blankets next to Tyler. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close.

I pull the paper from under my pillow and stare at it. My mind is racing and I look over at Tyler as he peacefully sleeps next to me. I brush some of his hair out of his face and sigh.

I really love Tyler, he's my best friend and always has been but one night and one mistake could ruin it all. It's not like I planned to have sex with Ty that night and it's not like I planned on getting pregnant, but here we are. I'm terrified to tell my parents and Tyler is probably even more afraid to tell his.

"H, don't look so worried." Tyler mumbles and I look over at him to see him watching me.

"How can I not be worried Ty?" I cross my arms against my chest as he sits up.

"Good point, but honestly everything will be fine and I'll be with you every step of the way. You're my best friend H and that'll never change."

"Love you Tyler." I lean over and hug him tightly.

"Love you too Harley." He kisses the top of my head and I feel like everything is going to be alright.

Daughter // Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now