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Hey, sorry I haven't updated in what feels like 18 years but I kinda lost my inspiration a little bit there. But I think I've gotten back to normal and I'm going to start writing a lot more and hopefully I'll have the story finished by April... More than likely will have a sequel to this story as I have A LOT of ideas in my head right now... I hope you enjoyed how I put Tyler's point of view in the last one, I might do that a few more times and maybe add Jamie's in there too idk yet...

But yeah, enjoy this chapter and I'm so sorry I was slacking and didn't upload for a loooooong time, but I'm back now lol!!!!!

Also if the chapters don't say who POV it is, it's Harley's.... If it's someone else it will say "Tyler's POV" or "Jamie's POV"


There's a team dinner tonight to celebrate Jordie's birthday and of course Jamie invited both me and Sophia. She loves getting to go to parties because there are other kids there that she can play with, and any excuse to see Jamie she's all for as well.

"Mom, please can I wear this?" She hold up her old Boston t-shirt and I shake my head.

"It's too small and you need to look nice today."


"Because you don't show up to a party for Jordie in an opposing team's shirt, especially one that's too small for you now."

"Fine." She pouts and stomps off to her room. I can hear her digging around in all her drawers, more than likely making a mess, before she comes back with a black skirt on and the only piece of Dallas Stars clothing she'll wear, a pink t-shirt Jamie gave her when we came here.

"There, that's good baby."

"I'm only wearing this for Jordie." She says and goes back into her room while I finish getting ready. I've decided to be casual and wear a pair of black jean shorts and a dark purple tank top with a cut out in the front and a pair of black sandals. I'm sure a lot of the girlfriends and wives will be dressed way trendier and fancy than me but I'm always prepared to have to work at any time, especially at parties, so I never wear anything too fancy.

Sophia comes into my room with two different pairs of shoes in her hand and holds them up to me.

"Which ones?" She has a pair of black ones and a pair of pink ones that match her shirt really well.

"Hmm, well the black ones won't get as dirty if you go outside as the pink ones. Because you know you guys will be running outside a lot. So it's your call on which ones will be easier for you to clean tomorrow."

"I'll have to clean them? Not you?"

"Yes, you have to clean them. You always clean your own messes up now, you're a big girl."

"Fine, then the black ones." Sophia leaves to put her pink ones back and then comes back into my room with the black ones on her feet.

"I'm almost done. Why don't you take the presents out to the car and I'll be there in a few minutes."

She runs off to go downstairs and collect the presents we bought Jordie. I just bought him a bottle of rum, his favourite and Sophia made him something but wouldn't tell me what it was and she even wrapped it herself.

I make sure I have everything and that my work bag is in the car, because you never really now when you'll need it, and I grab some extra snacks for Sophia because she's a picky eater sometimes. I head out to the car where Soph is waiting and get into the driver's seat.

"Hey mom?"


"How come we always have fancy parties when it's someone's birthday? Why don't we just go to McDonald's and watch a movie like we used to in Toronto?"

"Well the boys on the team make a lot of money playing hockey and sometimes they don't know what to do with it. So they throw big parties and buy lots of food and drinks because that's the only way they know how to spend their money."

"It makes sense, but why don't they give it to people who don't have any money?"

"A lot of them do, you know that. But they just have so much they can give it to others and still have more than enough for themselves and their friends. Do you not like the fancy parties?"

"Not really. I get bored."

"Me too sometimes. But you can hang out with Jamie today for a bit and then some kids will be there and you'll have fun don't worry baby."

"Okay. " Sophia is quiet on the rest of the ride over to the party. It's being held outside at this venue that almost everyone on the team uses for parties, while it's a nice place I always feel so out of place because I'm so plain and I always seem to be super under dressed for every party.

It's about a ten minute ride over and as soon as we park and start walking towards the back of the building, Jamie comes around the corner to greet us.

"Hey guys!" Jamie bends down and gives Sophia a big hug and picks her up before giving me a small sideways hug. He grabs the presents from me and carries them in the hand that isn't holding Sophia.

"Hey Jamie, how's it looking?" I ask, talking about the party because he knows how uncomfortable they make me.

"So far pretty casual, for once. You'll fit right in, don't worry." We walk around the corner and are greeted by a few of the other players, we stop to talk to them for a bit and Sophia goes off to find the rest of the kids.

It's not long after we start talking that Sophia comes running back up to the group of us and pulls me away from everyone. I excuse myself as Sophia leads me back around to the side of the building.

"Sophia, what are you doing?"

"Look!" She shoves my phone into my hands, which I didn't even realize she had, and twitter is opened on my phone. A tweet from the Dallas Stars account is up on the screen and my immediate reaction is to cry but I hold it in and run to find Jamie.

"Jamie!" I call out and he comes running over to me.

"What's wrong? You don't look that great, what happened Harley?" I shove the pone into his hand and he looks down, his mouth open, "Oh shit."

"I have to go, can you take Soph home later? I can't be here." Jamie nods and I turn to go find Sophia. She's off running around with a few of the kids and I wave her over.

"Mommy are you okay?"

"Yeah baby, I'm just not feeling well so you're going to stay and Jamie will bring you home later, okay?"

"Okay, bye mom, love you."

"I love you too baby."

I go over and apologize to Jordie for having to leave his party and I thank Jamie for taking Sophia. I walk to my car and sit in the drivers seat for a few minutes before even starting it.

I can't believe what I just saw and I have no idea how to process it.

Tyler Seguin is coming to the Dallas Stars.

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