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(A/N) Sorry I literally suck and forgot about this story in the middle of all my school shit and exams at the end of April and just haven't been keeping up with this story as I've started to work more as I'm done school for the year now!!! I hope y'all are doing good and still interested in this story and wanna figure out what happens with Tyler and Harley ;)

Make sure to leave a comment on this chapter if you have any predictions.... When I hit 20K reads I'm gonna update a special chapter that I know everyone REALLY wants ;)

Hope you enjoy this chapter loves :)


After Tyler and I talked everything has been weird but still better than it was before. Tyler has been spending a lot of time at my house and has even stayed over a few times, nothing has happened and we haven't even kissed since that day in my office. Sophia is starting to think that something is going on and she keeps asking a lot of questions. But I'm nervous to see what is going to happen with Tyler and I if we keep spending a lot of time together outside of hockey. I was telling the truth when I told him that I loved and cared about him, and I really wanted to see him get back to normal. He means so much to me and I always want to make sure that he's going to be okay.

The only downside to this is since Tyler is always over, Jamie doesn't come by as much anymore and I kind of miss him. He still hangs out with Sophia while I'm working and he still is a big help, but I just don't get to see a lot of him. I made sure to set aside about an hour today so I could bring him into my office and talk with him about some stuff.

"Hey there." I look up from my papers and see Tyler standing in my doorway.

"Hey Ty, look I can't talk now I have a meeting with Jamie in a few minutes."

"Oh, is everything okay?"

"What? Oh yeah, everything is fine I just need to catch up with him and talk about stuff," I'm still shuffling through the papers on my desk and Tyler walks over and pulls them out of my hands, "Ty come on, I need those."

"And I need you to look at me when I'm trying to have a conversation with you."

"You're right, I'm sorry." I sigh and look up at him.

"So, am I okay to take you out for dinner tonight? Without Sophia."

"I don't know I would have to find a sitter for her and I'm not sure if I could get someone this last minute."

"Jamie said he would watch her, I already asked."

"Of course you did." I smile slightly as Tyler grins at me, "Yeah, fine we can. But no where fancy."

"Okay, not too fancy but still look nice H."

"I swear Seguin if you weren't my best friend." I shake my head at him and he laughs before leaning over my desk and kissing me quickly.

"Shit sorry." I push back from Tyler and see Jordie standing in the door with his hands over his eyes.

"It's fine Benn, Ty was just leaving." I look at Tyler and motion for him to leave, he chuckles and walks past Jordie.

"I- I didn't know that was a thing." Jordie says as he sits down on the massage table.

"Oh it's not."

"Huh, sure looks like it is a thing." He makes kissy faces at me and I laugh before standing up and walking over to him.

"What do you  want Benn?"

"I tweaked my back today, can you loosen it up quick?"

"Sure thing." I set to work and Jordie stays silent for a few moments before he turns his head to look at me.

"So what's going on with you guys?"

"Nothing, Ty has been going through some stuff and I'm trying to help him get better and back on track."

"And does that involve fucking the kid around and pretending to be as into him as he's into you?"

"No, it doesn't." I dig my hand pretty hard into his back and he winces.

"Okay, okay, don't bruise me damn. It was just a question."

"Well why're you asking?"

"You're all he ever talks about, you and Sophia are like the only things he can focus on."

"We spend a lot of time together, yeah."

"Well he's in love with you Harley, so just don't fuck him up we need him."

"I'm not going to Jord, don't worry."

"It's hard not to worry about you though."


"Oh come on, you're the only girl around here and you're a single mom. You try so hard to make everything perfect and great for Sophia and to give her a good life because you don't want her to have to deal with what was happening in Toronto to happen to her again. You work too hard and too much and we don't exactly pay you overtime here, even if you are here for 15 hours a day."

"I have to work hard, you guys need to be in top shape and I need to provide for my kid. There's nothing that deep about me working hard so Sophia is provided basic necessities that I couldn't give her in Toronto."

"Look Harley, we all love you and Sophia too, but you need to relax and slow down. Enjoy your life some more, when was the last time you went on an actual date that didn't include Sophia?"

"Probably high school." I say and Jordie turns to look at me with an eyebrow raised, almost as to say 'I'm right'.

"So just let me and Jamie take Sophia for the night, she can stay with us overnight and we'll get here where she needs to be in the morning. You can just enjoy your night and go out with Seguin. It won't kill you to have a good time for once."

"Fine." I roll my eyes and stop massaging Jordie's back and step away from the table.

"Thanks Harley." He gives me a quick kiss on the forehead and walks out of my office.

I'm so thankful that I came to a team with a good group of guys, they're all so kind to me and especially Sophia. I honestly have no idea where I would be without the Benn brothers either, they help so much and take care of Sophia whenever I need a day or night off and Soph loves them so she never minds.

I just hope that everything stays the same and that everything will work out exactly the way its supposed to.

Daughter // Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now