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The next few days are super stressful for me, the trade rumours are everywhere. All over the sports stations and online, Sophia sees them and gets excited about the possbility of Tyler coming here. She's been asking me about him more and more, leaving me with a lot of questions I can't answer for her.

Weeks later and there's still no sign of Tyler here in Dallas. I feel less and less stressed as the trade deadline gets closer each and every day. I don't dread of who is knocking on my office door at work anymore either, my heart doesn't beat uncontrollably in my chest. Every thing is pretty much back to normal at work, there's more injuries than ever right now so Jamie ends up watching Sophia most nights. I don't think either of them mind, but I wish I could still spend the time with Sophia.

There's a small knock on my door just as I'm packing up for the day.

"Come in!" The door opens and Sophia pokes her head around the door. She walks in and sits on the massage table like she usually does.

"Hi mom."

"Hey kiddo, what's up?"

"Nothing, Jamie wanted to take me for dinner and we were gonna see if you were done yet to come too."

Yeah, I just gotta finish packing up my bag."

"Okay, I'll go tell Jamie, we'll be in the car." Sophia hops down and runs out of my office.

I shove the last few bits of paperwork from today into my bag before zipping it up. I pull it up onto my shoulder and grab my keys, I drove to work today because I had to be in  so much earlier than the team today to finish paperwork from last practice. I'll just leave my car overnight and drive home tomorrow after I finish my work.

I head out into the parking garage where the team and staff park, I easily spot Jamie's car and walk over to it. I throw my bag into the open trunk and slam it closed before walking around to sit in the passenger seat.

"Hey." I say to Jamie as I do up my buckle and he mumbles a "hey" back. He's been having a rough week, lot's of trips to my office for work on his back and shoulders. Usually when he's hurting he doesn't talk much, until he's in my office and knows I won't tell anyone what's on his mind.

"Where are we going?" Sophia asks from the back seat and I turn to face her as Jamie pulls out of the parking garage.

"Why don't you pick tonight."

"Can we just get McDonald's, I just want chicken nuggets and watch tv." I look to Jamie who nods with a small smile.

"Yeah, sure baby." We drive in silence and Jamie takes us through the drive thru. He orders for us, knowing our orders off by heart, and we're on our way back to mine and Sophia's house. Jamie will more than likely stay for a few hours, just watching TV and helping make sure Sophia goes to sleep on time.

Jamie sits in silence for the rest of the ride home and once we pull into the driveway, Sophia runs out and into the house. As I go to get out Jamie grabs my arm, making me stop.

"What's up Jamie?"

"Are you doing okay? You've been super distracted all week."

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Is it Tyler?"

"No, no I said I'm fine Jamie."

"Maybe you should talk to him, he's probably feeling weird and stressed right now too."

"I'm sure he is. But it's not something that concerns me right now, he's not getting traded. And he's especially not getting traded to Dallas."

"Do you really believe that?"

"Yeah, I do. I don't know why Boston would want to trade him, other than the last few years and partying, he's done nothing but good for that team. Trust me I would know, I still have to watch every single one of his games."

"Well maybe he just doesn't fit with them now. But I'm worried about you right now Harley, not anyone else. You've just seemed so out of it lately, especially at work."

"I'm not worried about me. I'm worried about Sophia and Tyler, there's too many rumours and shit going around about him right now."

"He'll be okay, don't worry about him. And Sophia will be super happy if he gets traded here and if not then nothing changes and everything is going to be fine Harley."

"Yeah, I guess it will be fine, thanks Jamie."


Tyler's POV

I've felt nervous all week. It seems like people are keeping me in the dark about a lot of things and that everyone knows something I don't. I'm afraid to watch any sports channels or anything that would take about the rumours.

And I can't stop thinking about Harley.

I know she's just as stressed over even more stressed than I am right now. I know she works in Dallas for the Stars still and how everything is going for her there, I keep in touch with my parents who talk to her parents regularly and they always give me updates. Seeing as she won't talk to me anymore.

It makes me sad to think about Sophia, because I feel like if Harley hadn't gotten the job offer in Dallas we could've gotten closer and become a family for real. I wish it had been like that. But I am proud of how far Harley has come and what she's done for herself in the league, especially because I know she's still raising Sophia so well.

In some parts of my mind I'm really hoping I get traded to Dallas, just so I can see them again and get close to Harley and especially Sophia. But I'm just not sure how every thing will play out and it really scares me.

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