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Tyler's POV

After I finished talking to Harley, I got the majority of my things packed away within a few hours. I didn't really pay attention too much to what I was doing until I came across a box under a pile of old shirts in my dresser. I remember it being a memory box that Harley insteaded we both have when we were really young, it holds all our class pictures, pictures from us watching each other's games, from birthday parties, Christmas and any other reason you could think of to take pictures.

And in the very bottom of the box is pictures from the day Sophia was born.

I remember everything about that day. Harley had called me in a panic at about three in the morning, saying something was wrong and she thought that her water broke. And even after all the parenting and baby books I read, I still couldn't remember what that meant, until she screamed that we had to go to the hospital. I had run over to her house in my boxers with clothes in my hand and crawled in through her window, like I always had.

I'll never forget how scared she looked as I stood in her room and packed some things for her to take with her before I had gotten dressed and woken her parents up. I held onto Harley the whole time, she didn't let me leave her side. I felt so bad for having done something that made her be in so much pain. I remember getting her to sleep for an hour or so at a time throughout the day but she kept waking up in pain until the doctor let her have the epidural.

I had never seen Harley cry that much in my life and there was nothing I could do or say that would help her or calm her down. So I just sat next to her and just kept talking to her and telling her everything would be okay soon.

When Sophia was actually born I stood right beside Harley and held her hand, neither of us wanted to know what was really going on. I actually remember crying when they showed Sophia to us, they let Harley hold her for a little bit before they took her away to clean her up and make sure she's healthy. While we waited and everything got cleaned up I kept trying to distract Harley because I could tell she was in a little bit of pain.

The doctors brought Sophia back and I let Harley hold her first, she was so tiny and perfect. My mom was behind me taking pictures at this point, even though Harley kept complaining about how awful she looked. When she handed Sophia to me after a little while I felt awkward and like I wasn't doing it right but Harley assured me I was doing good. And despite me knowing that I loved Harley more than anything in the world, I don't think I loved anyone more than Sophia in that moment.


Harley's POV

I don't remember what time it was when Jamie helped me up to my room, but he basically carried me up the stairs because I was so tired and still a little tipsy.

"Thanks Jamie." I mumble as he helps me into bed.

"Welcome." He says back with a small smile, "I'm gonna check on Sophia before I go."

"You can stay, it's late you shouldn't drive so late."

"I'm going to check on Sophia, I'll be right back." I nod and he walks out of my room. I quickly change out of my clothes, too lazy to put on something else so I crawl under my blankets in my underwear and bra. I pull the covers all the way up to my chin and wait for Jamie to come back.

He comes back with some water and a bottle of Advil, he sets it on my nightstand before sitting on the edge of my bed. I can tell he's trying to get me to fall asleep as he rubs my back, so I turn over to face him.



"Just stay in the spare room, I'm not letting you leave it's too late and I can tell you're tired."

"Just because I know for a fact you would actually force me to stay if I tried to leave, I'll stay. But you need to sleep now."

"I will." He stands from my bed and leans down to kiss the top of my head.

"Night Harley."

"Night Jamie."

I actually ended up falling asleep shortly after Jamie left my room. About two hours later I wake up in a panic, my whole body is shaking and I'm sweating. I don't remember any dream I had and I start to feel really uneasy about being alone in the moment. I quickly grab an oversized t-shirt and pull it over my head, I make my way down the hall and to the guest bedroom. I hesitate before opening the door.

"Jamie?" I quietly call into the room and he doesn't move so I can tell he's asleep, I walk further into the room and call his name a few more times.

"What?" He finally answers and he looks up at me and without me saying anything, he moves over and pulls back the covers to let me in.

"I had a dream I can't remember and woke up in a panic."

"Well you're okay now, I won't let anything bad happen to you." He pulls me close and relax my body, I can already tell that Jamie has fallen back asleep. I close my eyes and try to sleep as well.


Jamie's POV

I wake up the next morning and Harley is still asleep beside me, she looks so stressed even in her sleep so I carefully get out of bed and make my way downstairs. I quietly watch TSN on the TV while I wait for Sophia to wake up.

I start to think about Harley's situation and how I can help her and comfort her through it all, but I'm not sure how to do that. I feel like she might have to deal with everything as it comes and hope for the best. The whole thing makes her so uneasy and I feel really bad that I can't do more to help her situation, but we all are getting thrown into something we don't really know anything about.

I hear footsteps on the stairs and turn around to see Sophia coming towards me, she jumps on the couch next to me and smiles at me.

"Hey kiddo."

"Hey." I hand her the remote but she leaves TSN on anyways.

"Tyler Seguin has officially been traded from the Boston Bruins to the Dallas Stars. This might be the result of his wild days and party scandals. He is a-"

"Can we not watch this please?" Neither Sophia or I noticed Harley come downstairs and stand behind us.

"Yeah, Soph how about you turn on some cartoons or something. Me and your mom are gonna make some breakfast." Sophia nods and changes the channel as I stand up and lead Harley to the kitchen.

"God, it's going to be everywhere for days."

"It's going to be okay Harley, there will be some struggles but it'll all work out in the end."

"I don't know Jamie. I think I have to wait to see what happens and how it goes when he gets here ad we have to see each other everyday and work together." She's grabbing eggs and milk out of the fridge as she talks. I take the bread out of the cupboard and grab a few slices out of the bag and put them in the toaster.

"I think that you're going to be just fine and honestly you know if you're feeling weird or stressed out about anything you can talk to me. Or any of the guys for that matter, we're all going to be there for you always."

"Yeah, I know. That's why I love you guys so much."

"It's going to be okay Harley, we'll be there for you." She turns and smiles at me before coming over to where I'm standing and giving me a hug.

"Thank you Jamie."

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