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It's Thursday morning and I'm woken up by Sophia jumping on my bed. I open my eyes and roll over, grabbing her feet and pulling her down next to me.

"Why so hyper missy?" I ask and Sophia giggles.

"This has my name on it and it was by the door on the floor and I picked it up and opened it and look!" She speaks quickly and waves two pieces of paper in front of my face. I grab them and study them, my mouth open.

"You know what these are Sophia?"

"Hockey tickets!" She shouts and jumps back up on the bed and squeals.

"Was there anything else in the envelope they came in?" I ask and Sophia shrugs, "where is it?"

"On the floor in the hallway." I throw off my covers and go to find the envelope. I find it right by the front door, a small piece of paper laying beside it.

"H, I hope to see you after the game. If not, enjoy the seats and the game. Also, money for food for the night is in the bank. Love Ty." I read the note and I shake my head.

"Mommy, can we tell grandma about the hockey game?" Sophia comes running out to me and I nod.

"Go get my phone and we'll take a picture for grandma." She dashes back into my room and comes back with my phone, but it's pressed against her ear.

"No, this is Sophia. Who is this?" She says and my heart stops.

"Sophia give me the phone please baby." I hold my hand out but she puts her finger up, telling me to wait.

"Ty, I don't know mommy had a friend named Ty." she's quiet for a second, "Okay, here's my mommy. Bye Ty."

"Ty why are you calling?" I ask and I hear him laughing on the other end.

"The tickets H."

"Yes we got them, that's very generous of you to do for us."

"Anything for my girls."

"Tyler please."

"I know, I know. Just tell me you're thinking about coming down after the game."

"We already discussed this, people will know and they'll talk. I don't want her in the spotlight now or myself for that matter. I'm not causing a huge scandal with you, not now Ty."

"Harley listen to yourself for one fucking second. You think you're doing what's best for me but what's best for me is seeing my daughter. I haven't seen her since she was barely five months old."

"And who's fault is that?" I snap back and I hear him sigh.

"If I could go back in time and be there or somehow convince you to come with me god H, I would. Fuck I'd even give up the NHL for you two, don't you get it?"

"I wouldn't have let you give it up, you worked so hard for so long to get there. That's exactly why we're not in Boston with you."

"You could be here and everything would be fine. I could practice and play and come home to my family every day."

"We're not a real family Ty, we never could be."

"And why not?" He sounds pissed and I sigh loudly, running my hand through my hair as I think of a way to word what I'm thinking.

"We never dated and never would. Ty we were best friends and I loved you very much but I could never date you and you know what happened was a mistake."

"But it wasn't a mistake Harley and you know that."

"We got drunk and had sex, it resulted in a baby. It wasn't planned but I wouldn't change it for the world."

Daughter // Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now