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"H? Babe you gotta get up." I feel Tyler gently shaking me as he whispers to wake me up.

"How long was I out?" I ask as I roll over and rub my eyes.

"About three hours. We finished packing everything and I even did the rest of yours. We have to head out soon, Sophia wanted to go get dinner before we left."

"Mm okay, I'm getting up. Thank you for finishing everything Ty." I sit up and stretch my arms above my head, rubbing my eyes once more before looking at Tyler.

"Feeling okay?"

"Better now, but I'm probably just getting sick. I've been feeling really tired and just a little weird lately, I'll probably see a doctor in Toronto." Tyler nods and turns to grab the bags left in our room to bring them downstairs.

"I'll bring these to the car and get Sophia all situated then. We'll leave on ten minutes or so?"

"Sounds good, I'll meet you in the car." Tyler nods and leaves the room, I head into the bathroom to check on my hair after my nap.

As soon as I step into the bathroom I feel a wave of nausea hit me and I lean against the vanity. I turn the tap on and splash a little bit of cold water on my face, which helps a little. I turn and decide to use the toilet before we head out. My mind wanders as I finish up in the bathroom and as I stand to go wash my hands I immediately turn back to the toilet and become sick.

I finish and stand up, flush the toilet and wash my hands. I rinse my mouth with mouthwash and some water before I splash more water on my face.

"Mom?" I hear Sophia in my bedroom and I peak my head out the door.


"Oh hi, dad told me to come get you so we can go."

"Okay baby, I'm coming."

"Are you okay? You don't look good."

"I'm not feeling well today love, just not a good day for me."

"Oh okay, should I get dad to help?"

"No Sophia, it's okay. Let's just go so we can get back home in good time." Sophia nods and walks out of the room and I hear her run down the stairs.

I follow slowly and I hear Sophia talking to Tyler at the front door as I approach.

"See what I mean." She says as I get closer and Ty walks over to me.

"You okay?" He ask as he look over my face and I nod.

"Yeah, just felt kinda gross after I woke up and got sick. I'm feeling better now tho, must've been something I ate or whatever."

"Okay, as long as you're okay to be in the car. We could wait until tomorrow if you're not up to it babe."

"No no it's fine Ty, honestly I feel a lot better now. We can go, everyone is expecting us to come and I don't wanna keep them waiting too long." I say as I bend down to slip my shoes on my feet.

"Okay H, as long as you're all good and you tell me the second you're not yeah?" Tyler presses his lips to my forehead and pulls me in for a hug.

"Yeah, I will."

"Okay okay, enough lovey dovey stuff! Let's go!" Sophia pulls on my arm and I laugh as she pulls me along as she rushes out the door.

A little under nine hours and five bathroom stops later, we decide to stop and check into a hotel because I've started to feel a little sick again. Tyler grabs some stuff from the trunk as I lean against the side of the car drinking some water. Sophia took the dogs off to a piece of grass beside the hotel to let them run around for awhile.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Tyler asks me as he closes the trunk and throws an overnight bag over his shoulder, I nod as I swallow the water I had in my mouth.

"For the hundredth time, yes. Ty I'm fine I'm sure it's just a little bitch of anxiety and stress from driving so far with Sophia and the dogs. Don't worry I'll be fine."

"I know you will be but I'm just worried it could be something else and you're not gonna take care of yourself properly while we travel."

"I don't think it's anything serious Tyler. I'll be fine, please don't worry about me." I lean over and kiss his cheek before wrapping my arms around his waist. Tyler looks down at me with a pout on his lips and then leans down to kiss me.

"I'll let it go for now, but I won't if you feel any worse. I just want you to be safe and healthy always, you know that."

"I know and I appreciate that you worry and care about me a lot, but it's not important to me right now. I just want to get to Toronto and be safe and sound and see my parents."

Tyler kisses me once more before turning his body and putting his arm around my shoulder as we start to walk over to the entrance of the hotel.

"Sophia, come on! Bring the dogs back over!" Tyler calls and Sophia and the dogs come running towards us. We made sure the hotel was okay with our dogs before we checked in and the front desk clerk gave us a room that allowed us to let the dogs outside from the balcony if they needed to go out, which was super helpful.

We settle into the hotel room and it's not long until Sophia is passed out on one of the beds with the two dogs cuddled up to her. I watch her as she sleeps and I think about how much older she is now and how she's grown since even being in Dallas. It feels like a life time ago that we were living in Toronto and I really do miss it sometimes. I'm just happy to be going back to see my family for a few months and of course to reconnect with Tyler's family as well.

Daughter // Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now