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Jamie's POV

I'm half asleep on the couch when I hear my phone go off on the coffee table to my left, I stretch my arm out and grab it before staring at the screen to see a message from Harley.

*Staying with Ty tonight, sorry to leave you there with Soph. I owe you dinner*

I roll my eyes and set my phone back down, I put Sophia to bed a little over and an hour ago and have been flipping between channels on TV since. Nothing ever really caught my eye but I settled on some older movie I've never even heard of, but I'm feeling tired enough to not be paying attention and being half asleep.

I've been thinking a lot about what happened today and trying to figure out my own feelings. For a while I've been thinking I could have feelings towards Harley but I wasn't sure how to go about those feelings. I had somewhat decided to leave them alone and just ignore it and let her be happy with Tyler, but I'm not sure if I can do that anymore.

Tyler's POV
I woke up in the morning to Harley still sleeping, her arm across my stomach and her legs hooked in between my own. I try not to wake her up as I move to find my phone, I grab it off my bed side table and unlock it. I see a text from Jamie and open the message thread to read it.

*i'm sorry about what happened, but I'm also not and I'm still gonna try to pursue something with Harley.*

*You can't just assume she'll want you to Jamie, think about her before you do some dumb shit. Think about the team and all of our jobs before this could get messy*

I open a few other messages, some from other teammates and one from my mom. I reply to my mom quickly, telling her I miss her as well and hope she'll be able to come down for a game soon. As I finish up checking emails Harley starts to stir beside me and I turn to see her slowly opening her eyes.

"Holy shit!" She grabs her phone quickly and starts typing out a message, her eyebrows pull towards the middle of her face as she types.

"Everything okay?" I ask and she holds up a finger at me, singling for me to wait a moment.

"Yeah I just shouldn't have stayed because Sophia has school and I'm supposed to drop her off and talk to her teacher about something "important" about Sophia and school. I don't know what but yeah shit, I have to go." She jumps out of the bed and scrambles around the room, trying to grab all her things.

"Did you need anything before you go?" I ask and she turns around to look at me and smiles.

"Uh I don't have time to go home really, Jamie is dropping Sophia off here so I can drive her. Do you have like an extra toothbrush and stuff I ca use?"

"Yeah, I'll get that for you and leave it in the bathroom. I'll start some coffee for you too." I roll over and get out of bed, sliding some sweatpants on and I walk towards Harley.

"Thank you Ty." She kisses my cheek as I pass and I smile.

"Just stop stressing, you'll be fine." I cross the hall to the closet that I keep extra things in, I grab a toothbrush and a hairbrush for Harley. I find some hair elastics and some girly shampoo and conditioner that my mom left her last time she visited, along with a face clothes and go to set them on the bathroom counter.

Harley is in the shower and I open the door to hand her the shampoo, conditioner and face cloth.

"Thanks." I nod and shut the door before making my way downstairs to start the coffee and make some breakfast for Harley. My phone starts ringing in my pocket and I take it out to see Jamie calling.

"Yeah?" I answer and I can tell he's not having the best morning as I hear Sophia crying in the background.

"Harley won't answer her phone and uh Sophia is having a meltdown, like you can probably hear."

"She's in the shower. What happened?"

"I just told her we had to get ready for school and drop her off at your house so Harley can take her to school and talk to her teacher. And I left her to get dressed in her room while I made breakfast and she just started having a fit in her room. I don't know what happened. I'm freaked out."

"Lemme talk to her." I hear the phone shuffle and Jamie mumbling that it's me on the phone.

"Tyler?" Sophia sniffles loudly and I can tell she's trying not to cry.

"Hi Soph, what's wrong honey?"

"I-I-I don't wanna g-go to sc-school today Ty."

"Why not?"

"I'm gonna get in trouble."

"Why do you say that?"

"I can't find my shoes and I didn't finish my homework and mommy isn't here and she has to talk to my teacher because I can't do my math right and my teacher is mad at mommy for always having me at hockey."

"Well what shoes are you looking for?"

"My black boots, mommy has the same ones." I can picture the black combat type boots she's talking about and I try to remember where I last saw them.

"Hold on, I'm going to check mommy's car for them. I think you left them there because you came into the gym with me and Jamie the other day, remember?"

"Oh yeah." Sophia is still sniffling but I can tell she's stopped crying. I grab Harley's keys from her bag on the couch and slide on some shoes before jogging down to check Harley's car.

"Hey Soph?"

"Yeah Ty?"

"Ask Jamie to help you finish your math sheet okay? I'm going to look for your shoes right now and I'll text Jamie when I find them. Then he'll drop you off here and I'll have them waiting for you and some yummy breakfast. Okay?"

"You promise you'll have my shoes?"

"Yes Soph, I'm at mommy's car and I can see them in the backseat right now. Okay just finish your math sheet with Jamie, you're gonna be okay love."

"Thanks Tyler, love you."

"Love you too, I'll see you soon." Sophia says bye and hangs up as I unlock the car and grab the shoes. I run back upstairs to see Harley in the kitchen with a coffee mug in her hands.

"You okay?" She asks and I nod.

"Sophia had a breakdown and Jamie didn't know what to do, he called you and when you didn't answer he called me. She couldn't find these boots and she's in trouble for not finishing her math. And her teacher is mad she's always at the rink with you."

"Fuck, that teacher hates me so much and that's probably why I need to talk to her. What a bitch."

"I told Sophia I'd have breakfast ready for her when Jamie drops her off, she's finishing her math sheet right now with him."

"She's okay though?"

"Yeah, just needed someone to calm her down. And Jamie wasn't sure what to do."

"Thank you Tyler, you really are too good to her." Harley wraps her arms around me and I hug her tightly.

"I'm trying my best to be a good person, so when she knows I'm her dad I'll be fully prepared for it."

"Like I said, thank you." She gives me a quick kiss before she lets me go and tells me to start breakfast.

Daughter // Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now