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Tyler's POV

I've been in Dallas for two full weeks now and I thought that it would make everything better, but it hasn't. Everything that I did in Boston, the partying, the girls, blowing money on pointless shit, still haunts me. I only did those things to get Harley off my mind, and it would work for a few hours. But I would always wake up still wishing she was mine.

I don't want to do the same thing here in Dallas, but I feel like I'm going insane. My mind is all over the place and I can never seem to concentrate on anything but Harley. I just want her to realize that my feelings for her are real and that they're not going to go away.

She doesn't believe me though, because of the shit I did in Boston after she stopped contacting me. It left me heart broken and I didn't and still don't know how to fix it.

Other than drinking.

And partying.

And getting with random girls who always resemble Harley so much it hurts.


Harley's POV

Over the past week I've noticed a steady decline in Tyler's overall health and appearance. He seems to be getting skinnier and always has dark circles under his eyes. He hardly ever comes into my office like he did in the first few days he was here and I'm starting to worry about him.

I've talked to Jamie about it, who said he talked to Tyler and he had insisted that he was fine and just having a slight trouble adjusting to the difference here in Dallas. I didn't really believe him but I don't have any other clue as to what's going on with him.

I decide to bring him into my office one day after morning work out to try and sort everything out. I'm sitting at my desk, waiting for Tyler to show up and I'm hoping he does. I'm looking through some paperwork and also the little notes I've been writing down about the changes I've noticed in Tyler since he got here.

"Hey, everything okay?" Jamie pokes his head in the door and I motion for him to come in.

"Close the door."

"What's wrong?"

"It's Tyler. I think there's something seriously wrong with him. I've never seen him like this and I feel so bad, I called him in for a meeting in about fifteen minutes."

"Well I talked to him yesterday again and he said he was fine, just tired. But I'm not sure that's it, because honestly he looks like shit lately."

"Everyone has noticed too. It's all over all ESPN today, I need to figure this out soon."

"Yeah, I hope you can. I'll try talking to him and spending more time with him and see if I can help at all."

"Thank you Jamie." I stand up and wrap my arms around him in a hug.

"It's no problem, I feel like I should know everything about my players as the captain. He just won't tell me anything, he says that he's doing fine and that he's just not been sleeping well and is a little tired. I'm not sure how many more times I can ask him about it without seeming like I'm suspicious of him and what he's doing, you know?"

"Yeah, same here. I keep asking him what's up and if he wants to talk but he always says he's busy or has other things to do. I feel bad, but what am I supposed to do Jamie?"

"You're doing all you can Harley, you force him to talk to you and it's obvious that he doesn't want to. He might change his mind and tell you, or hell he might even tell me, but you just have to wait and see. But I gotta go now, Sophia is out on the ice with Cody and Patrick right now and I'm gonna join them for a bit."

Daughter // Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now