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3 Months Later

Things haven't changed all that much since Sophia found out about Tyler being her father, except for the fact she calls him dad now. Which makes Ty the happiest man alive I think. The hockey season has ended and we're packing up the house in Dallas and heading back to Toronto for most of the summer, with a promised trip to Disney in the mix.

"Mom?" Sophia comes into mine and Tyler's bedroom with one of her flip flops in her hand.


"I can't find my other flip flop, did you see it?"

"I haven't, ask T- your dad." Sophia adjusted very quickly to Tyler being her father, but after I held my tongue for so long about it I still have the instinct to call him Tyler to her.

"Okay. Daaaaaaaad!" Sophia turns and calls out and starts to head downstairs in search of Tyler. Just as she walks down the stairs, Cash, one of Tyler's dogs comes walking into the room.

"Hey bud." I bend over to pet him and see something hanging from his mouth, Sophia's missing flip flop, or what's left of it at least, "oh Cash come on dude. Drop it."

"What does he have now?" Tyler asks as he walks into the room. I hold up the torn up shoe.

"Soph's missing flip flop, she just went downstairs to find you to ask if you'd seen it."

"I was in the office, and apparently Cash found it first."

"Sophia! I found your flip flop!" I hear Sophia come running back up the stairs and into my room. I hold up the shoe while Cash eyes it from the floor.

"Oh no, Cash!" She grabs her flip flop from my hand and inspects it, checking to see if it's wearable.

"We'll get new ones before we leave, don't worry." Tyler says as he takes the shoe and tosses it into the garbage can.

"And he needs a new chew toy." Sophia points at Cash, who's decided to lay down and take a nap on the floor.

"He has plenty, you just need to remember to close your door missy." I say with a laugh and Sophia pulls a face at me, making Ty laugh.

"Alright, Alright. Let's finish packing up, we have to get on the road soon." Tyler scoops Sophia up and carries her out of the room and down the hall.

I return to packing my clothes up, Dallas didn't make playoffs and we had to wait for Sophia to finish school for the year to head back up to Canada for the summer. I couldn't be more grateful to head up north for the summer, it's way too humid in Texas to be comfortable. Tyler has a condo in Toronto that he stays at during off season and this year he upgraded to a two bedroom to accommodate the new changes. I don't think he minds at all though.

I'm throwing in the last of my clothes when I feel Tyler wrap his arms around my stomach from behind. He makes me turn to face him and leans in to kiss my forehead.

"Hi there." I say and Ty leans in to kiss me on the lips.

"Hey, all done?"

"Just about, just gotta grab my stuff from the bathroom and I'm good to go I think. I'll have to double check Sophia's stuff though, you never know with that girl."

"Mm that is true, she packs some unusual stuff." Tyler chuckles, he's remember back to when I let Sophia come on the road trip the Stars had over March break where she literally packed a jar of jam in her suitcase, which she said was for "in case she needed a snack on the plane".

"I'll look over it before we go, all I want to do is nap right now."

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just tired lately." I move my suitcase off the bed and onto the floor before I crawl on top of the bed and lay back.

"What's up? Are you getting sick?" Tyler lays down next to me and pulls me into his chest.

"No I don't think so, just need to sleep more. I think I'm stressed about driving back home, especially with the dogs and Soph has never been in a car that long. It's not even a stressful thing but I'm just trying to not think about it too much."

"I take the dogs on long drives all the time, they're usually pretty good. As for Sophia I think she'll sleep most of the way and we have plenty of movies downloaded for her on her iPad. And if something goes wrong we can deal with it when it happens, we'll be fine H."

"Yeah, I guess. I also just hate driving for a long time, I'm just anxious something will go wrong I guess." Tyler leans in a presses his lips to my forehead, I raise my chin and kiss him on the lips quickly.

"We'll be fine, don't worry. I would never let anything happen to you or Sophia." I nod and crawl under the blankets before closing me eyes.

"Thanks Ty."

"No problem, want me to go check on Sophia while you take a nap?" He asks and I nod slowly, already feeling  myself drifting off to sleep.

Tyler kisses me on the cheek and I turn my head towards him so he can kiss me on the lips. I hear him chuckle before turning and walking quietly out of our bedroom and shutting the door. I quickly fall asleep as I question why I could be so tired as of late.


Hey guys, I'm really sorry it takes me so long to update and the update is short.... I've honestly had no motivation to finish the book and I've been sitting on a couple ideas for an ending for a long time now......

I just wanted to update a quick chapter bc ik it's been waaaaaaaay too long for a lot of you. I'll hopefully be able to get a couple more chapter out to finish the story and hopefully there's a sequel I can start but if not I'll just be ending the book here bc really I have nothing else to write lol

Hopefully y'all enjoyed this chapter even tho it was small and I'll try very hard to update again soon!!!!

Thank you for reading as always!!!!!!

Daughter // Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now